People Are Starting To Get Cabin Fever!!!

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I played it for some people here . It was amusing

  • ToesUp

    In our area, Home Depot is thriving. It is so busy that they are monitoring how many come in the store at one time. A sales associate said today, he has NEVER seen it this busy. Ever. People are stuck at home and looking for something to do.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Painting and home improvements for those with money still coming in.

    The evictions and foreclosures will come later. I expect blood.

    I cant pay my rent, landlord cant pay mortgage, mortgage holder cant pay interest on savings. Big circle jerk

  • RubaDub

    Rubadub- LOL. What kind of furniture ? I need ideas ..

    caves ...

    I prefer the cushions. Easier on the teeth.

    Rub a Dub

  • Simon

    So I've worked remotely, in my basement, for the last several years. Angharad and friends make jokes about me being a hermit.

    I even cut my own hair rather than make a trip outside! Honestly, it feels like I've been preparing for this my whole life.

    From where I'm sitting, nothing much has changed, except I don't get to go to the pub on a Sunday for lunch anymore - one of the few reasons I had for venturing out.

    You really can do this people. Chill. Download some games and some movies. Do some exercise. Read. Learn some new hobbies - cooking, playing an instrument, just research interesting topics. We have the internet for gods sake, it has funny cat videos and all sorts of things.

    I can recommend learning to program to both provide a potential future revenue opportunity and to burn serious hours before you even know it.

    All we're being asked to do is watch Netflix and chill (oh, wait, that means something else doesn't it? I learnt that from the waitress at the pub laughing when that was my answer to whether we had any other plans for the afternoon).

    There's a reason I don't go out.

  • Simon

    I feel sorry for parents of young children. I think it's going to be toughest on them.

    You can't let them go see friends, as multiple connections will be problematic. One suggestion I saw was to pick a best friend from a family that you know has a similar outlook and takes similar precautions to you and maybe just have occasional play-dates with that one family.

    Do some video chats with people, do video chats with their kids and try to entertain them. Read them a story, tell them some jokes, do some rubbish magic tricks that go completely wrong and make them laugh. Order them some surprise gifts from Amazon every week just to brighten their day.

    There's lots we can do.

    We went for a walk yesterday and kids had drawn positive messages on the pathways. Take a picture of their drawings and let them see you take picture, stop and wave and shout "that's awesome, thank you!" and you see their faces light up.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Just think we are all doing our part to save mankind by doing nothing but staying at home! We're all heroes!

    just saying!

  • Simon

    Yeah, it's not like we're being asked to storm a beach under machine-gun fire.

    If this is the "struggle of our generation" I think we have it pretty easy.

    Anyone not helping should be given a good beating, 'cause there's no excuse for putting others at risk, especially while healthcare workers are putting themselves at risk due to government incompetence.

  • Simon

    BTW: If you want something to do, I can recommend buying a home wine-making kit.

    It's easy-peasy and super cheap and at the end of it you should have 30 bottles of wine!

    We've never had one come out bad - once you have the equipment it works out to something like $2-$3 per bottle and tastes like a $15-$20 bottle of wine.

  • minimus

    Similar to that I bought a number of bottles of wine and cognac for my gf and me. I’ll be good for a month.😉

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