The one thing that makes this board work is that we don't have to all get along. Disagreements are allowed unlike the world we left. Sometimes these disagreements (excuse me for this) are seeds that fall on rocky soil and only produce thorns. But sometimes they fall on fertile soil, that fertile soil being long threads that bring in a lot of different members with different thoughts to add. When that happens, despite the disagreement, everyone gets their say and some of us learn a little something.
Sure we should all try to get along. Just like in any community. But none of us should suppress the desire to disagree. We're not in the Empire anymore. Now it's time to question and for some of us that means questioning everything. For the rest of us that means when a question is raised that you or I don't like or think should be raised maybe just maybe we should sit back and absorb instead of getting into a fight that could lose us some good friends.