I'm going to be a dad again!

by freedom96 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I am going to be a dad again, and you know what excites me besides all the normal stuff?

    My child will never have to go through what I did being a witness. He will never have to tell his teacher that he cannot celebrate a holiday or have a birthday cake. He will be able to go to school dances, and one day go out on a date. He will be able to carve a pumpkin, and send valentine cards out. He will be able to watch Saturday morning cartoons, and be able to play little league. He will have freedom to have many friends, and not have to limit them depending on what church they go to. He will study, but not because there is a meeting that he is preparing for. He will learn public speaking if he wants, by watching me, not because he has to do talks at the hall. He will one day find out that Santa Claus is actually daddy, and he will learn all about God the balanced way. He will treat others with kindness and love, instead of learning hate and shunning. He will wake up to the smell of pine tree at Christmas time, instead of seeing it through the householders door Christmas morning. He somtimes will get diciplined, but will do so without the fear of the elders finding out. He will get presents Christmas day, as well as the rest of the year. He will read nursery rymes instead of the revelation book.

    My first child was not as lucky. I will always regret that. But I will make it up to him, and then some. There is still time.

  • OrbitingTheSun

    Congratulations, Freedom96! I am happy for you and I think you made an important point here:

    There is still time.

    There is still time, and I can see you have wonderful ideas for the time ahead of you and your family.

  • nilfun

    *Nilfun does the happy dance for you*


    Congratulations !!!

  • caligirl

    Anyone have any personal experiece with successfully kickstarting labor?

    Caligirl, who wants very much to be done with the whole pregnant thing! ( 36 weeks was enough for the first one, why oh why won't this one follow it's brother's example?)

    By the way, freedom96 is a great Dad and step-dad. His older son is a joy to be around and reflects so many of his Dad's wonderful qualities. I am looking forward to watching him get to be a Dad again and both our boys are excited about being big brothers.


    Freedom96: Congratulations!

    What really made this post especially wonderful is the dedication/promises that you'll keep for your child-to-be by keeping him/her away from the ball and chain of the WTBTS.

    This is truly wonderful. As for your other child, I'm sure you'll do more than make up for what has happened before.

    Best wishes and once again Congratulations to you and your wife.

  • shera

    Congrats Freedom

    I love babies sooo much! They are the sweetest.

  • Sadie5


  • Aztec

    ((Freedom96 & Caligirl)) I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job! Hope that labor kicks in soon. I know how that feels. My son was born two weeks late! Aaargh! Was I ever ready for him to show up. Best wishes to you both!


  • teejay
    I am going to be a dad again, and you know what excites me besides all the normal stuff? My child will never have to go through what I did being a witness. – Freedom96

    This post is so good it brings me to the point of tears. One of the joys of being a father is that I'm finally able to have a normal childhood through the eyes of my daughter. She'll never even get a wisp of what I had to endure all those years.

    Nice post, Freedom. Congrats to you, your new baby, and the rest of your lucky family.

  • Angharad

    Congratulations Freedom & Caligirl !!!!!

    Hope everything goes smoothly and quickly for you when the time comes


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