In the movie 'My Blue Heaven' Steve Martin's charactor claims, "Everyone thinks they have a sense of humor, even when they don't!" Do you laugh easily and often? I am always looking for new material and have about 150 jokes at my disposal. Also little stories and tall tales.I travel a lot and meet all kinds of people and hear all manner of neat stuff, which I, (steal) add to my store of silly and cute stories. Nothing,(well almost nothing) pleases me more than to start the day off with a good laugh. That's why I come here in the AM before I go off to slay my Dragons,(work). Are you a happy goofy type or are you a serious, ex. dud? Or somewhere in between?Maverick
Do you have a sense of humor?
by Maverick 37 Replies latest jw friends
I still laugh when my son farts so I guess I'm more the goofy type.
I'm a goofball with a perverted sense of humor.
I have a wicked sense of humour. Very, very sarcastic, and quick. Fits right in with my husband's sense of humour. Sometimes, I even leave my Essex boy with the Cockney accent with nothing to say as a comeback.
I love sarcasm.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm afraid nothing really offends me any more. Part of it is that I'm way, way over any 'fears' I had as a JW. Those folks take themselves and EVERYTHING way, way too seriously. (Except for the occasional jokester--every hall has a resident clown--who is not considered serious-minded enough to 'take the lead' and become a servant or an elder).
I think I was beat over the head for so many years with constant worry and fear that the end of everything was coming at any moment that I have worn out my doom reflex. It is physically impossible for me to take things seriously any more. I can't help but be happy now.
You tell me?
Hippikon ! You are the MAN dude !!!!!!!!
Your posts always make me laugh, and that picture does too !!!!
I cannot tell a funny joke or story to save my life...I always forget the punch line or screw it up.
I am more of the spur of the momemt type person.. I have great comebacks (I least I think I do) People tell me I'm quick witted. I'm also really good at puns. Things just pop in my head and come out. I can't stand sex or racial jokes, I'm more of the corny type.
So Ruby,
What did the Nergo say to the sex starved nun ?
Lol , sorry hun.
not at all