Australia Take 5: “I was sexually abused by a JW elder as a child”

by darkspilver 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • darkspilver

    Take 5 is a popular weekly 'women's magazine' based in Australia

    The following 1,100 word story is from their website - don't know if it's in the printed version.....

    Take 5, May 5, 2017

    “I was sexually abused by a Jehovah’s Witness elder as a child”

    Tara was an innocent 8-year-old when a religious elder abused her.

    Tara, 35, from Queensland shares her story:

    As I browsed the shelves in my local supermarket, a familiar green label caught my eye.

    It’s just a tin of Milo, I tried to tell myself.

    But it was too late.

    My heart was hammering and my chest was tightening with every breath I struggled to take.

    In the middle of my panic attack I felt like I was eight years old again. And I was right back in the room where my life had changed forever...

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    “I was sexually abused by a Jehovah’s Witness elder as a child”

    Tara was an innocent 8-year-old when a religious elder abused her.

    Tara, 35, from Queensland shares her story:

    As I browsed the shelves in my local supermarket, a familiar green label caught my eye.

    It’s just a tin of Milo, I tried to tell myself.

    I don't get it. What does a tin of Milo have to do with her situation? How did it trigger her memory?

  • OneEyedJoe
    I don't get it. What does a tin of Milo have to do with her situation? How did it trigger her memory?

    Small details from a traumatic memory can trigger PTSD. Maybe the abuse happened somewhere and there was a tin of Milo in view and seeing it again triggers that memory. Maybe in an attempt to not be 'present' for the abuse she focused on something on the shelf that caught her eye. Point is, life for someone that's put through this sort of abuse can be challenging in ways that someone that hasn't lived it would be entirely clueless to.

  • darkspilver

    I don't get it. What does a tin of Milo have to do with her situation? How did it trigger her memory?

    It's a 'teaser' to get you to read the FULL story where it is revealed....

  • sparrowdown

    Well now we have the post traumatic milo situation sorted....

    Yes, one eyed joe is right, that's the nature of PTS a sight, a sound, a smell can trigger a memory and you're right back there. I think the meetings themselves even without physical abuse were very emotionally abusive spaces where you were never good enough or spiritual enough or connected to enough of the right people I threw away all my meeting clothes for this reason they reminded me too much of that horrible place called the KH.

    Hopefully more of these experiences will surface and alert the general public to JWs are just another religion and in many ways worse.

  • stuckinarut2

    Her abuser gave her milo I believe. It therefore triggers the awful memories.

  • Phoebe

    As a person who was sexually assaulted as a child I can say from experience the slightest thing can trigger a memory. My psychologist said it can be a noise, a smell...anything. Something that suddenly reminds you of that horrific experience. I can still 'see' the blanket I was made to lie under. I can still 'feel' it. I hate paquet flooring because that's where I was forced to lay down.

    I feel for anyone that has endured this. 60 years later and I'm still suffering the effects while my abuser is still a well respected elder. I did write to him this year and ask for an apology with the full backing of the elders in my congregation who were 'always going to be there for me' Well, he got the letter and didn't reply and suddenly my elders backed off from me. I think he must have pulled strings or something. I asked why and the reply was 'it's your word against his. Nothing we can do. Life is tough sometimes.' If they couldn't do anything then a little bit of spiritual care might have helped but nope, nothing. They distanced themselves from me.

    I'm done with it now. No more meetings for me. Not going back. My heart goes out to those suffering.

  • nonjwspouse


    I can't bring myself to hit the "like" button because it seems so inappropriate to "like" that story.

    I just want to send a cyper ((hug)) and wish this didn't happen to you. I wish you peace and freedom from those triggers.

    I hope the ARC triggers something big in society and governments. I want these horrific attitudes, and directives about such abuse by the WTBTS to be exposed and widely recognized, QUICKLY.

    I hope each day, that Leah Remini ( or an equivalent) will have the strength and drive, to take on this borg as her next public project.

  • Phoebe

    Thank you nonjwspouse that means so much to me.

  • stillin

    Well, it's a story. One that is repeated too many times. However, after making allowances for Australia being on the other side of the world and the cultural differences that surely exist, things still seem a little "off" in the story, don't you think?

    Maybe Tara will find the "help" she needs through her support group.

    A note to other victims of child abuse; Believing every account that you hear like this is probably easier for you to do than it is for me. I'm sorry if my post offends you. That there has been widespread abuse among the Witnesses is well-established. There may be money to be made by others who really don't deserve it.

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