Gregory Peck has died...another legend is gone

by TresHappy 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    Just read on the news that Gregory Peck passed away last night. He was 87. One of my favorites from the great days of movies, handsome and such a great actor. He was absolutely brilliant in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

    Anyone else have memories of this Hollywood legend?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I just heard about his passing about an hour ago. Now there was a true Hollywood STAR (and legend). The other night on television AFI (American Film Institute) had a program of the 100 top Villians and Heros in film history. Number one hero was Gregory Peck's character in To Kill A Mockingbird.... he was brilliant ... it's hard to see them get old and die, but truly, the great ones films will live forever.

  • little witch
    little witch

    How sad..

    To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorites, What a handsome, and sweet man... I am heartbroken.

  • qwerty

    Another person that knows what life is all about, now he passed away!

  • TresHappy

    Atticus Finch was definitely one of those great characters in Hollywood cinema history. Caring and compassionate as a widower with his two children, yet defending a black man accused of a crime he didn't do.

    Remember a young Robert Duvall as Boo Radley? "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a favorite of many, and Gregory Peck will indeed be with us forever...

  • sandy

    I love old Gregory Peck movies. To Kill A Mockingbird and Roman Holiday are my favorite movies of his.

    He was such a Classy Man on screen and off screen as well.

  • blondie

    First David Brinkley, now Gregory Peck; I'm bummed.


  • Joyzabel


    I would watch anything with Gregory Peck in it!

    Yes, To Kill a Mocking Bird and Roman Holiday were great films.


  • dmouse

    I will always remember him as Captain Hornblower...brilliant. (cough, cough)

    And my mum was a great fan of his, used to swoon over his appearances. A superb actor who will be missed.


    One of my favourite novels and movies. Gregory Peck was indeed very unique.

    To Kill A Mockingbird: best movie of 1962

    Another great movie, although it did not have Mr. Peck, was Carey Grant's: North By Northwest.

    Yes, I just noticed David Brinkley passed away also.

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