What is wrong with America?

by Tyler 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • teenyuck

    Abaddon, sorry for leaving you off of the *free thinkers* list....

    Besides a few jokes about France, there have not been any threads ripping apart any country like these about America.

    It is tiresome.

    Yes there are problems, litter, guns, murder, pollution, corruption, gangs, theft, rape, robbery, banality, stupidy, education break down, shallowness, obesity, cancer and so many other words.

    We know that. You know that. Why do you all keep harping on it? That is the point. It reminds me of my mother harping on me when I did not want to go out in service.

    "Why don't you?"

    "Because I am tired/fed up/bored/hate it/have homework/just don't want to"

    The more you harp on it, the less and less your audience listens. Your audience tunes out. I only read this thread because Tyler asked something similar regarding Christian Longo's case yesterday.

    The floor is yours gentlemen, have at it.

  • proplog2

    Americans are what the British would be if they had a bigger island separated for 200 years by two great oceans.

  • Hamas

    If thats the case, Teenyuck, why do you keep 'harping on about the Watchtower' ?

    I'm not getting at you, but lets face it, America does things all the time that blows out more smoke on this subject. People will stop talking about it when they don't have to talk about it. Besides, it always makes a good conversation.

    .......... Cue Yerusalyim.............

  • outnfree
    Actually teenyuck, you'll find it is war and anti-WAR threads, not anti-America.

    Actually, SImon, that statement is disingenuous. There was (is still?) quite a lot of America-bashing going on, enough to make several people leave the board and others, like myself, sick of the lame excuses when the bashers are called on it. If you hate America, despise many things American, fine, that's your right. But please do NOT try to soften your image by not admitting (even to yourself?) that disgust for my country is what you are promoting.


    (who is sorry she didn't ignore this thread, too, having known better....)

  • metatron

    When you described social venom and a class system, I thought you were describing Britain.

    In this country, money buys acceptance and class, period. Look at Oprah or Donald Trump.

    What makes me wanna puke is European Utopianism. We'll just arrest those nasty warmongers ( Belgium), We'll protest

    and create world peace while hiding in fear behind our former enemies ( Germany). War never leads to peace ( idiots! look

    at the Marshall plan or post war Japan). We Know what's best for the world ( you're fading away collectively - with permanent

    high unemployment and a negative birth rate)


  • plmkrzy

    gosh, all I can think of right now after reading this thread is, "Clock Work Orange" lol!

  • teenyuck

    Abanddon, have you been working out?!

    If thats the case, Teenyuck, why do you keep 'harping on about the Watchtower'

    Well, I am on a JW DB to start. That kinda tells me that references to things JW are ok.

    BTW, if you have read any of my *other* posts, you will see the issues I continue to have with my mother and the dubs.

    Back to America. Sorry for the commercial break.

  • kproscts

    Yes, Hello President Bush "Geedy-Up" and don't be afraid to use that stick (for proper encouragement).

  • Englishman

    Xena said:

    Don't hate us because we are beautiful

    If all Americans look as good as Xena does, then I'm emigrating!

    The lady also has a nice way with her that didn't go un-noticed in Manchester.


  • freedom96

    What I find interesting, is that so many people who are big on dumping on the United States, number one don't even live here, and number two, don't do a damn thing about it except bitch about it.

    If you don't like things going on here, if you are a citizen, you are given the right to vote, and change laws. You are certainly welcome to protest, and make your thoughts known. But so few actually take the time to actively pursue their beliefs. They just complain.

    For those that don't live here, you know what? Yes, it isn't perfect here, but neither is it where you live. Most of us have great qualities where we live, including the United States. Most of you are bitching about the US but still, you do nothing but complain.

    Others, still, just join the bandwagon, and think it is popular to blast the United States, and our president.

    I was in Vegas a few months ago, and visited a wax museum at the Venitian. At the end of the tour, is a wax figure of President Bush. A lady from Mexico goes up and wants a picture taken. Someone offers, and right before they take the picture, she turns and flips him off for the picture while standing next to him. Full of laughs and giggles, she looked around for support. She didn't have a clue. She thought what she did was the latest "cool" attitude. I wanted to slap her upside her head. Hey, have your political thoughts and agenda's, but it doesn't mean you should be disrespectful.

    For those from other countries who wish to bash the United States just for something to do, or to think you are being hip and cool, go ahead. Waste your time. You really apear quite foolish. If you really think injustice is being done, then do something productive about it.

    Otherwise, just enjoy the life and freedoms that you do have, and respect the fact that other countries do to, and go make the most that you can of your life, enjoy your friends and family. Life is too short to do anything but that.

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