I posted this on the other homosexual post. The thread was getting exaustive so I figured I would put it under this one to. This was a response to some sentiment that being gay is not or cannot be a choice and that there is something wrong with being offended by homosexuality.
scotsman, hope you dont mind me putting this under your post, the only relevance is the Homosexual topic.
It is not a choice that a heterosexual be heterosexual. It is genetically programmed that we are attracted to the opposite sex of the same species. Could a straight man choose to be gay? If he didn't find it disgusting sure he could. I don't know of any genetic disposition that would cause someone to be disgusted by the same sex. So you can become gay by choice I suppose. Most men I would assume simply lack sexual attraction towards other man. It's a lack of programming. People can make themselves like things that they didn't once like. I once didn't like beer. No I hated it. I made myself like it by trying it enough. Now I love it.
There are a massive number of bi-sexuals. They have the natural programming to be attracted to the opposite sex of the same species. If being gay is genetic then that proves being gay does not mean you don't have the natural attraction for the opposite sex.
A bi-sexual chooses to become "gay" rather than just stick to the heterosexual lifestyle. He/she has a choice and entertains the aberration. Mere experimentation is a choice. What is not proven is that anyone lacks the natural desire for the opposite sex based on genetics. It may be true that genetics can cause attraction for the same sex. All that we can say based on genetics is that some people have a choice to be gay.
No one would choose to be gay rather than live as a heterosexual if they could?!!??!?!?!?!?!? Well then you are saying there is no such thing as a bi-sexual, people having incest or screwing sheep.
Society places prohibitions on many things that are considered victimless. Incest is a taboo. Incest is "victimless," considered a serious aberration and the result of mental illness. Beastiality is "victimless," considered a serious aberration and the result of mental illness.
If gay people want to their actions to just be accepted and screw how anyone even feels about it then they would need to join the horse and chickenf***ers allaince as well to fight off the bigotry directed at people that want heterosexual relationships with farm animals, apes and household pets. If a gay person considers any such behavior as offensive then they would have to accept the opinion that their actions may be offensive and considered immoral by some people regardless of whether or not they can percieve a victim.
This is where I draw the line between a reasonable defense of a gay lifestyle and a fanatical one. If a gay person can accept the fact that there is nothing wrong with someone being offended by it then they are being reasonable.
"Swinging" or open marriage is considered victimless yet immoral to our society. Prostitution is considered victimless yet is immoral to our society. Some pedophiles will reason that a child as young as 6 can give consent but almost nationally the barrier is placed at 18.
There is nothing that governs these rules in our culture but how we feel about things. A person cannot help but be disgusted at homosexual activity any more than they or a homosexual can with beastiality.
Sex is considered natural between the opposite sex of the same species. Change it to same sex and you might as well allow for other species as well.
Personally, homosexuality is less offensive to me than beastiality but that doesn't mean I think it is more ok.
The argument that homosexuals are victimized by being forced to suppress their "natural" desires really doesn't hold water with me. There are people that don't have sex at all and are perfectly normal. I haven't had sex since I became a Christian (2.5 yrs). It is not suppression of sexual desire if there is someone or a group of someones that you are restricted from having sex with.
I myself am restricted from having sex with a married woman. I may entertain my desire to do it, form a fetish and then not be able to enjoy sex with a woman that is not another man's wife but I would still be wrong to do it.
I even confess that I like (or love i don't know) a woman that I have known for years and is married. I would love to have her but I am obligated to "suppress" my desire because it is immoral. I'd like to make it clear how much I want her. I want her ALOT. Another woman just won't do.
I am not judging someone for having sexual desires that I consider perversion. I think I have immoral desires as well. I am willing to accept that you can't help that. I will still accept someone as a person if they are acting immoral. I would be offended by it and would not condone it though. And if my feelings are considered bigotry then I don't know how that person can say they are not a bigot.
Also. Homophobic means having an overpowering or irrational fear of man. Wild animals are homophobic. A bashful gay man is a homophobe, not an outspoken straight one.