Refined understanding of Christmas? Really?
PAGAN - w1881
December No.6 p.6
... pagan priests became Christian priests and the pagan
holidays came to be called by Christian names--Christmas being one of these
holidays kept sacred to the memory of a great Goddess--since called the
celebration of Jesus' birth though actually nearly three months astray.
HEATHEN - w1883
December Vol.5 No.5 p.3 When Was Jesus Born?
"Christmas day", reckoned the anniversary of Jesus
birth (Jan 1 representing the date of his circumcision eight days after) is
mid-winter, and evidently does not comport well with the account of the
shepherds being out with their flocks. It is supposed by some to have been
placed December 25 in order to the better take the place of and transform an
old heathen festival at that date, into a Christ-commemorating one.
- w1891 October Vol.10 No.10 R1339 - "CHRISTIAN
While passing through London we noticed some very beautiful
Motto Cards suitable for the adornment of the walls of Christian homes, and,
thinking the prices cheaper than in the United States, we purchased some,
purposing to advise the TOWER readers and to supply orders if any desired
The prices include postage: 11.
CHRISTMAS CARDS (assorted, illuminated) $.05 & $.10
WT PUBLICATIONS - w1917 12/1 [6130]
I was glad to see your recommendation that all the brethren
give a copy of Volume Seven to their relatives and friends this Christmas...
that would mean at least 300,000 copies of THE FINISHED MYSTERY distributed
this Christmas time!
GOOD - w1918 8/15 p. 249 [6311] The Cross Must
Precede The Crown
"Presents are not receivable, except at Christmas time,
when the privilege is graciously granted without limitation. I express my deep
gratitude for those sent, just the same... Your Brother Joseph F.
GOOD - w1919 1/15 [6381]
"my heartfelt thanks for the great love bestowed upon
us and manifested in the numerous Christmas presents which I and my associates
have received, as well as cards, letters and messages of love. May the Lord
bless you one and all! ... Your brother and servant J.F.Rutherford"
FROM JESUS - w1919
2/15 [6393] Christmas Joy - Our Incarcerated Brethren
More than 150 prisoners in the Castle had nothing for
Christmas, and so our brethren got a list of them from the officers, and out of
their own abundance made up a little Christmas package for each of the
unfortunates. Even the officers were so pleased that they were heard to say,
"Never was anything like that done at this place before." And so we can truly say, the Lord was in the
prison that Christmas.
BRINGS BLESSINGS - w1921 6/1 p.169 par.1
Who has not seen a wearied and perhaps weeping child fall
asleep on Christmas Eve, howbeit hoping for the blessings of the morrow?
CHRISTIANS - w1926 12/15 p.371
With the coming of the Christmas season all Christians have
something to say about Jesus.
HEATHEN - w1942
11/15 p.349 Is Christmas Christian?
Jesus Christ nowhere
instructed his disciples to celebrate his human birthday on either the
legitimate day or any fictitious date, and for religionists to engage in such a
celebration on a religious fixed date , which date is furthermore sacred to a
heathen false god, is a case of adding to the word of God.
... the so-called
"Christmas tree" practice symbolizes the lie that the dictator Nimrod
is not dead.
PAGAN - w50
12/15 p. 504 This Masquerade Called Christmas
Let the Kellys and the Joneses and all the other
sincere, honest and upright people who have slavishly celebrated the pagan
holiday called Christmas now make a break for freedom.
- w54 12/15 p. 743 Origin
of Christmas and Its Spirit
Is the spirit of God to be found in the practice of
exchange handed down by demon-worshiping pagans? ... Is it found in the
glittering balls of gold that pay homage to Balder, god of the ever-mystical
sun? ...Is it found in the gluttony, drunkenness, lasciviousness and murder
committed on this day called "Christmas"?
ABOMINATION - w54 12/15 p. 744
Abomination in God's Sight
What, then, is the spirit of Christmas? It is
"earthly, animal, demonic." It is the spirit of paganism parading in
Christian garb. It is the spirit of the Devil that has intoxicated the whole
world. ... The festivities and decorations are demonic, because they glorify
paganism, which is demonism.
So after understanding that Christmas was
pagan in 1881, they went on to celebrate it for 50 years.
Maybe Jesus chose the F&DS in 1919 because they were celebrating his birth at that time.