I think i've finally figured out why Jw's don't celebrate holidays. Well, the first obvious reason is
the G BODY tells them not to, but the second reason is NOT because it is pagan, if it were the
witnesses would Not celebrate anniversaries too, nor would they celebrate weddings the way they
do. If you look into the origin's of the wedding rituals, like the ring, the veil, the whole deal, you
will find that they ALL have pagan origins. The REAL REASON they are "admonished" not to celebrate
days like Mothers' day, Fathers' day, Christmas, Easter, etc, etc, is of ASSOCIATION. They
realize that these occasions bring family members together, and THAT is simply not acceptable. Their
goal is to keep you AWAY from any outside influences that might endanger your close knit cult
like association with "like minded" individuals. Your only REAL FAMILY dear brothers are your
friends at the hall, who are the ONLY ONES who "truly" care about you. So they make up a bunch
of BS about pagan origins and what not to keep you AWAY from your families. I honestly think I
could take just about ANYTHING and trace back it's origins to something evil or pagan. Halloween is
the only 'holiday' I can go along with as far as not celebrating, i guess, but even with that, little kids
trick or treating and eating candy does'nt seem real demonic. But the whole point is that the whole
anti-holiday thing should be exposed for what it is....Keeping you away from your family and causing
your family to hate YOU as well for NOT CELEBRATING. Because THEY don't understand. Further
chasm between you.