Single and Happy

by RubyTuesday 52 Replies latest social relationships

  • RubyTuesday

    Can people be single and happy? The older I get the more I believe that being single is the way to go.There are so many advantages.Just to name a few;

    You can finish that college degree, go to the neighborhood bar anytime, do charity work, join a night class, stay out all night, flirt with anybody you please. With the freedom of time comes the freedom of action. You don't have to share the bathroom or the remote control; you can watch TV or read or eat in bed without disturbing someone else; you can choose which furniture, food, and clothes to buy based on your own tastes.

    What do you think?

  • blondie

    Ruby, having been single until I was 38, and married for 12 years, I can say that the secret is to be able to find happiness in whatever situation you are in. Happiness is internal not external.


  • teejay

    I thought you were married, RT. What are you try-na tell us? Hmmm?

  • logansrun

    Well, studies have generally shown that married people are happier than unmarried people. Statistically they live longer, have more sex, are better off financially and generally are psychologically more content. So, for the average person, marriage seems the way to go. But, the average person is also an irrational being according to me, so I don't necessarily feel these studies carry all that much weight in my world.

    People are different. I think it is entirely possible for someone to be happier as a single person if their psychological makeup calls for it. And, of course, better to be single and unhappy than be married and unhappy.

    I personally, would like to get married. But not for a long time. I'm only 26 and have been out of an apocalyptic mind-control cult for a year, so I think I need some time as a single man. I think it's going to be a good ten years before I tie the knot.


  • Introspection

    Well, in the bigger picture none of us are so isolated, even if you're not with anyone you have people you have to deal with in life, and wanting to do things your way just doesn't fly all that well for most life situations.

    The thing is since most of the time people tend to want to just feel good, it becomes a question of whether there are more good feelings (which we call happiness) by being with someone or by being single. If that's the goal then you are simply subject to the conditioning that makes you feel good, and you do things in order to illicit those good feelings which in turns only reinforces and strengthens them. I wouldn't call that being free.

  • freedom96

    I enjoyed the time I spent single, but much prefer being married to my wife. I have so much more fun, and it is great building our dreams, goals, and desires together.

    She also allows me the freedom to do things myself that may not interest her, and she is stable enough in our relationship not to get offended, or jealous if I want to do something on my own.

  • Gollum

    "Statistics show that married people live longer"

    Actually, it just seems that way to them.

  • RubyTuesday

    tj.. I was married...divorced for 6 years now.

    Thanks everyone...for your input.

  • Aztec

    I've never been married and I doubt I ever will be. Marriage appeals to most people but it doesn't to me. I've felt this way since I was a young girl. It may have been all the unhappy dub marriages I saw growing up or it might just be that I am a loner in many respects. It might also have something to do with liking to have my way all the time. I'm not good at compromise.


  • StinkyPantz

    I'm married and still do all of the things you listed (except flirt with anybody you please). I guess it depends on the kind of guy you marry. My man accepts that I need to go out from time to time and shake my booty or that I need to be left alone.

    Being single can be great too, though I've never lived alone so I have no idea how that is. I like having someone around all the time, but that probably makes me weird.

    Anyway, I think it's great that you are single and happy.

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