Jehovah's Witness Retirement Homes and Senior Care

by Tahoe 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    who pays for their care?

    here in the UK--anyone with no money is laughing--care home costs are paid for by the tax payer--ideal for most old dubs i would think, The retired person can have savings--up to about £25 ( i think) above that and they have to pay. Property also is taken in to consideration.
    At this point greedy relatives rise to the surface.

    My wife is the registered manager of a private 20 room care home.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    further thoughts about jw care homes in the UK.

    Where a resident has " no" money--their care is paid for through social services, a part of the local civic council--funded by the tax payer. How much is paid depends on the care needs of the individual claimant--there are several care bands. The lowest level of need costs £2200 PER MONTH.

    So--take a humble jw--having pioneered most of their lives--often living on $ocial $ecurity' is now elderly and depending on Funded care in their old age. What a loving provision from Jehovah.

    No wonder the Watchtower $ociety is keen to distance themselves from all these pioneers--not to mention all those lifetime Bethelites kicked out before they became a liability.

    How many JWs are there now in the UK ?--and how many of those are elderly? Do the sums !

    Imagine if laws were passed holding the Watchtower .liable for these costs of elderly care ? They would be shitting them selves!

    Make no mistake--these J Jireh care homes are NOT provided by the watchtower--they are a business--a cash machine.

  • Balaamsass2

    Care homes are big business in California. Once 3rd gens mom started needing 24/7 watching (she would wander out of the house if no one watched her 24/7) we were paying $7,400 a month. It took years for Medicaid to chip in because she had "loans" to Watchtower they refused to return and Social Security considered outstanding loans as "assets".

    A story on the profitability of care homes in the NYT this week. : DYING BROKE

    Extra Fees Drive Assisted-Living Profits

    The add-ons pile up: $93 for medications, $50 for cable TV. Prices soar as the industry leaves no service unbilled. The housing option is out of reach for many families. " Assisted-living centers have become an appealing retirement option for hundreds of thousands of boomers who can no longer live independently, promising a cheerful alternative to the institutional feel of a nursing home.

    But their cost is so crushingly high that most Americans can’t afford them.

    These highly profitable facilities often charge $5,000 a month or more and then layer on extra fees at every step. Residents’ bills and price lists from a dozen facilities offer a glimpse of the charges: $12 for a blood pressure check; $50 per injection (more for insulin); $93 a month to order medications from a pharmacy not used by the facility; $315 a month for daily help with an inhaler.

    The facilities charge extra to help residents get to the shower, bathroom or dining room; to deliver meals to their rooms; to have staff check-ins for daily “reassurance” or simply to remind residents when it’s time to eat or take their medication. Some even charge for routine billing to a resident’s insurance for care.

    “They say, ‘Your mother forgot one time to take her medications and so now you’ve got to add this on and we’re billing you for it,’” said Lori Smetanka, executive director of the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, a nonprofit."

  • Balaamsass2

    Looks like a profitable business. Watchtower has thousands of captive aging true believers...= big money for Watchtower, and a guaranteed cash flow of personal assets and government checks.

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