Hey Chris,
I was also one of the Jw dumb kids. I have a seventh grade education. This did not stop me from going and getting my GED. I went at night to the community college it was free to study for it, and the actual test was somewhere between $7.00-$12.00. A minimal cost for your cap
I also went back to school, toting a 9 month old and a 21 month old. I went to nursing school, and took a limited course of study so I could be done with school a fast as possible. I was robbed of a year of my life, because it was all packed in. But when I left school I was offered work with a pay scale of up t $25.00/hour. So it definalty was worth it for me to go and sacrifice.
I felt cheated though of any formal educational training. So this year thanks to the others I have seen on this boards fine example. I will be returning to school. I am 26 year old and have 2 children, and they are so proud of me. We actually went to the school this weekend for a dance recital and I told them that is where I was going and you could see the pride in their eyes.
I feel too many people will sit and talk about the mistakes, or missed opportunites in their life, but refuse to do anything about them. I am not accusing you of this, just making a statement. I believe life is hard, and even harder without an education. The thing I always think about is how right before I went into nursing school, I was declined a job. I decided I couldn't afford to go to school, and would just "wait until later" The job I wanted was working as a hotel clerk on the night shift making minimum wage, I laugh now at the thought that I can make 3 times that now.
Your children will be so proud of you, they will remember the stuggle you went through to provide a better life for them. You can't change everything in this world, but by settign a good example for your children, you are making a difference.
I have found these links on the web discussing GED testing, and there even is some practice ones you can take. It will give you an idea of where you need help. And like I said, most colleges and communities offer free courses, mostly at night, to help you along.
. http://www.cedu.niu.edu/~donaldson/leit590/project2/judith/ged.htm
. http://www.4tests.com/exams/examdetail.asp?eid=38
This next site is for alot of the programs you can get here in the USA. It is amazing I filled out my financial aid for this coming year on the internet and it took maybe 15 minutes. I had my answer in 2 weeks. So please look into this. I am really excited for you and hope you get some good info from these sitesLOL I just had a thought, in Alchoholics Anonymous they have a step that says something like...First acknowledge that you have a problem. Well you have already done that, now do something about it Good luck!
. http://www.ed.gov/