In the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn. Even warning against looking at swim wear adverts! So I was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?
Is porn really such a big problem in the wt?
by purrpurr 48 Replies latest jw friends
Porn is an issue in society in general. Its going to be even more so in a sexually repressive cult
Nobody is really talking about it among the Witnesses, other than expressing agreement with whatever the GB says. "What a protection for us!" "What a sick world we live in!" Etc.
What some of those marriages need is to lighten up and enjoy what God gave them in each other.
Is porn really such a big problem in the wt?
I'm from the generation when water was free and you had to pay for porn. Today pornography is a lot more accessible than before. Considering that, I think that the WT and their people are no different than the rest of the people in the planet with Internet access, which means that ease of access might cause an increase in use.
As for people's reaction, don't expect JWs to say "yes, I spend 3 hours a day watching pornography online", or "yes, this is a pervasive problem among us".
It's sad that this and many other religious organizations cause so much sexual dysfunction in people with their inadequate or non-existing sex education.
I think it has always been an underlying issue. I left Watchtower Farms in the mid 70's but went back to visit some of my friends about a year later. One of them told me that a 'skin magazine' had been found in one of the men's bathrooms stuffed behind a toilet. The bathroom was on the floor that I lived on and which I used. An inquiry was launched and no one 'came clean' and it was determined that Sparky must have left it. So, I was scapegoated in absentia and the funny thing was that at that time I had NEVER purchased any pornography and shunned it.
This organization spends most of its time browbeating its slaves about outward appearances: dress, grooming, tight pants, field service slips, beards, reaching out for privileges, etc. (I.e. outward traits). Therefore, Tower Slaves are mainly interested in outward appearances more than anything. Things that are never seen (being kind to your family, being honest on their tax returns, true charity) are hardly ever mentioned.
The Tower Slave International organization also frowns upon its slaves having any real fun. Vacations (unless they are to Beth-hell), sports, dancing, and parties are all considered a waste of time and just take away time that they feel should be going to the Field Misery work.
As a result, JWs are discouraged from having fun. Add to that the fact individual JWs try to get away with as much as they can, especially when nobody from the hall is watching, and you get the huge use of porn in this organization.
A few years ago, it seemed like dozens of elders in the circuit I used to be in were getting removed for porn - and circuit bigwigs, at that. The CO was giving a 30-min Sunday talk around the circuit that was exclusively about porn. You could almost see the elders and MS squirming in their seats. The ones that remain either don’t use porn or are just a lot better at hiding it, LOL.
I am fairly sure that almost all the young males in this org today look at porn, at least occasionally. They have access to technology 24/7, aren’t allowed to have a girlfriend or date, and are in a seriously sexually-repressed puritanical religious organization. Their only outlet is porn.
It's not a problem per se, but it's something they need to control in order to keep JWs under their control. Controlling sexuality is something that just about every cult does. If you can get people to give up their autonomy over their most basic impulses, you can generally get them to give you power over the rest of their lives.
Is porn really such an issue in the wt?
Yes. The use of porn, maybe not so much. Porn itself, definitely. In a "religion" that practices segregation of men and women every chance they get, and is one of the most sexually repressed, sexually obsessed "religions" I have ever known it has to be an issue. The governing body and the rest of the honchos are always finding "solutions" to problems that do not exist!
Brokeback Watchtower
It was internet porn that help get me out of the WT corporation's clutches. The more I watched due to my heavily repressed sex drive, the more bold I became to question the almighty Watchtower corporation, soon I was surfing the net with wild abandon on both porn and information negative about the WT corporation and the rest is history in fact I still watch porn and read all sorts of negative stuff about the WT corporation,, due to the shear abundance of both with no end in sight. Unrepressing my shadow it you will in this rather harmless fashion I think has mostly benefits it made me a better lover in bed as I can really focus on what I'm doing. I call it making friends with your neglected dark side and respecting both sides of myself, and who knows but I expect to reap more creativity by unrepressing my shadow because I'm sure being in a cult caused me to stuff a lot of creativity in there which needs to come out.
I was extremely happy when I found out the Watchtower corporation was all bull shit and wishful thinking, but my joy was soon eclipsed by the shunning and lost contact with family members. Which in the future I hope to regain due to the demise brought on by the internet exposure of the corrupt Watchtower monster in all its gory detail.
Brokeback Watchtower
The more the Watchtower harps on this problem the greater it will get. The human sex drive suppressed by constant indoctrination that it is evil will surface in more child molesters as the shadow of these people become more and more powerful. I think this might be also a problem with the Catholic church because of their vows of celebisy suppression of sex drive leads to priest screwing with kids and so it should be with any sexually repressive group.
No sex even with your pillow for bethel slaves is bound to produce lot of strongly repressed shadows that will bit the corporation in the ass.