night anyway.
Just how "awful" have the JWs been today......
by ScoobySnax 33 Replies latest jw friends
The poor ol ex-jw syndrome
For the record scoobs, most people here do not walk around in a "woe is me" attitude all day, people just raise issues here because here is were they feel they can relate. Being here causes me to remember things that are JW related, sometimes that includes digging up the emotions. But for f s sake, I barely live my life thinking of JWs or the "pain" they so self rightously inflict upone people. You have a pityful understanding of what it means to be an exjw. You live in a JW "fantasy" world where everyone who leaves is "bad" and not to be empathised with, and for the most part I dont have a problem with that or with you.
You have the record twisted, it is YOU who has the persecution complex, I had one too before I got rid of JWism. You say you are glad that people move on from their JWism, I suggest you do too, then you will see that we all dont walk around with a persicution complex like they do.
Scoobs, I'm outta this stupid thread since its deteriorating so badly, do you always fly off the handle if someone doesnt fall about laughing at your "jokes"? You took the first shot mate, expect to take one back.
Although I disagree with you we could get along, however if this thread is anything to go by then we are just not allowed to have a differing view to you otherwise you fly off the handle. Too bad, I had enough of that when I was a JW.
Now change your tampon, it will all be over next week
LOL at biker, I had never thought about it but I think you are right, I have never seen a ginger she cat...interesting observation! The black & white thing (lol) I'll leave stinky to debate that one.
Scoob, I answered your question "Just how "awful" have the JWs been today......"
You say you split from 2 other women,
No, I didn't say that. They both divorced me, without Scriptural grounds. I'd neither committed adultery, nor had I ever been physically or emotionally abusive to either one of them. My 1st wife chose to have an affair with an elder, with pre-meditated intent to leave me (at that time I was DFd) and marry him (he also had 1000x as much money as I did). That "incident" was so notorious that the Service Department informed the 9 JC elders involved in the case that an article would soon appear in the WT about that kind of conniving. (See "The God of Love Hates a Divorcing," w7/1/81 p. 17ff) My 2nd wife (of 17 years) worked behind my back for over a year (as I was later to find out from various sources) to get me DFd, bad-mouthing me regularly in cargroups and to the elders (because I didn't agree with the WTS on several doctrinal points). The chairman of that committee (who was also the PO) later told me (we coincidentally crossed paths in a hardware store some months after I'd been DFd) that he was very unhappy with the way the JC handled matters, and that I was treated unjustly.
Perhaps that gives you a little more perspective on why I almost daily feel the pain that I do.
I'm happy that you moved on.
Thank you Katie is a truly wonderful woman, who in her own measure also daily feels the pain of stepping away from her born-and-raised JW life. She is a salve to my heart.
It maybe an awful thing to say, but I'm getting tired of "ex jw" pain here.
No, that's not an awful thing to say. It's a very real thing to say. Sharing our pain is a huge, even pre-requisite, part of healing. When I came to this forum last July, the floodgates of my soul were opened because of feeling, for the first time, the comraderie of shared experiences, the loss from broken dreams, and the hope for "life after the WTS."
As always, respectfully,
I frankly don't know why people bother replying to this Scoobysnax person. She's almost stereotypical in her unfeeling, self-righteous JW attitude towards anyone so wicked as to actually 'leave the faith'. Ignore her and she'll go away. Perhaps she has 'issues' but I for one dislike feeding people like this.
Alan Scooby is a guy and he is pretty cool most of the time, he hasnt got the same opinions as most of us but he has had his fair share of support here whether he thinks this is "a nice place to be" or not.
I shoulda just flew a white flag instead of feeding the argument/debate. I've had a coffee and a fag since this started and I'm wondering why the f it went the way it did.
A guy? Sure fooled me, Brummie. I have yet to see any semblance of coolth on his part. Uncouthness, plenty. Petty and nasty comments aplenty. What am I missing?
Alan: Scoob has always been respectful to me, and I, for one, am glad he's reading and posting here. Call me a wishful fool but I hope, in sharing my experiences and thoughts, that he and other more-or-less active JWs may somehow, someday, feel the unrighteousness of their religion. And you know very well that I squirmed like a worm on a hook, employing every justification and equivocation I could lay my hands on, for many many years before (thank my lucky stars) I was finally freed from that slavery. Those walls don't fall easily, eh?
In any case, it's therapeutic for me to lay out my heart.
Hi Craig,
I guess I've been away from the JW spirit so long now that I just have no patience for self-righteous JW arrogance that makes them elevate themselves by putting everyone else down. It's even worse when these morons attack people who are already down, and then play the oh-so-poor persecuted one by claiming that when people who are down defend themselves, or even complain, that they're persecuting the one attacking. It's so hypocritical it makes me want to vomit on the JW leaders who created and continue supporting this nasty attitude, and on the JW who is so insensitive that he refuses to see how disgusting such behavior is. He can certainly see and condemn such behavior in non-JWs, so this insensitivity is learned and deliberate. And hypocritical.
I know very well your struggle; I had one of my own for some 25 years. I don't remember being self-righteous about ex-JWs though. Envious would probably be a better way to describe it. And you were always the antithesis of self-righteousness. That's pretty much what got you DF'd the 2nd time, I think. You weren't righteous enough to swallow the Society's BS.
Sometimes a righteous or sleepy JW needs a good slap upside the head to wake him up. Slaps come in many forms, as you well know.
I know what you mean about "therapeutic".
Okay, I'm gonna ask it... scooby snax... I think that you know on a personal level SOJ. I really do.