What's The Worst Insult You've Ever Received?

by minimus 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi
    BIGBOI, I, too was recently told that if someone knew where I lived, that person could see to it that I was dead too.....(not with those exact words but with the same meaning). When persons make these crazy statements, it makes me wonder what their mental health is like.

    In all fairness, I think I had the poster pretty perturbed. It was a pretty decent person actually. I doubt mental deficiency came in to the picture at all. However, our experiences are related in that you really never know who it is you are dealing with on the internet. Gender issues aside.

  • AlanF

    I've been called something like a "meany" more than once. Or worse.

    Bigboi, Ginny Tosken has one of the best rapier wits I know of. But it's almost always tongue-in-cheek. I've seen her and Seven006 go at it for fun and always ended up LMAO.


  • nilfun

    When someone tries to kill you...well, that's just about the worst insult I can think of.

    "You are going to be better off dead, you're waste of space."

    Pretty insulting, dontcha think? I know I was offended.

    And to those that choose to interpet the above as self-pity--go screw yourselves.

  • teejay
    our experiences are related in that you really never know who it is you are dealing with on the internet. Gender issues aside.

    Hmmm. I seem to remember her... um... him.... um that poster...

  • Valis

    I got called "a piece of shit" by an FBI agent...


    District Overbeer

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I will keep my response related to this forum.

    Though, now it makes me chuckle. Nobody can insult you without your permission and I rolled out the red carpet that day.

    When the poster, Larc, said I was coming across like an airhead. As a matter of fact, he double posted it. Twice for emphasis, you know.


    P.S. I miss Ginny Toskin. Though I do hope Bioboi lives long and prospers.

  • Cassiline

    I believe the worst insults are by those whom you love. They can have you on your knees writhing in pain with a simple sentence then a physical blow.

  • hillary_step

    When I was eleven my math teacher wrote on my report, "Cheerfully Incompetent".

    From that day forward, I have succesfully blamed him for all the ills in my life, including my induction into the WTS, and for all the worlds ill's, except of course for Elton John. No one person could possibly be blamed for him.


  • Scully

    Cassiline writes:

    I believe the worst insults are by those whom you love. They can have you on your knees writhing in pain with a simple sentence then a physical blow.

    I agree with that. People we care about and trust often know things that we would never share with mere acquaintances or strangers. Having that knowledge about us and then deliberately hurting us with it is a betrayal and an abuse of trust that is painful beyond belief. The pain doesn't go away either. Love, Scully

  • DJ

    who me?....I've been called the daughter of satan.

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