Hillary for President – And Away We Go!
G. Russell Evans
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.)
Tuesday, March 5, 2002
This lady has tasted power. She loves it. She wants more power. Absolute power.
She wants to be president. She wants to run the show – really run things, from the Oval Office, and "get this country moving again," as challengers always say.
It's written all over her – and she has the wherewithal for a strong run. She has ego unsurpassed and guile supreme.
She has the James Carville-Paul Begala team, the sine qua nons for fooling voters: clever, cunning and conniving to all who will listen and chafing at the bit to get rolling.
Hillary Rodham Clinton
We are talking about Hillary Rodham Clinton, of course, now marking time as junior senator from New York, after proving her electability and suave controls, including a scandalous love fest with Big Media.
It was Big Media that gave her a free pass from embarrassing questions and probing interviews during her Senate campaign and who soft-pedaled all Hillary boo-boos in sight.
It is now the Big Media anchors Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather who keep her out of the news for any stupid or embarrassing moves she makes as a senator. They will continue to shield her on her way to the White House.
Media Love Her
They want her in the Oval Office, where she will make big news and implement her socialist, big government agenda.
Already she has a political action committee, HILLPAC, that has raised almost a million dollars and has passed out big checks to left-wing candidates to build up political clout.
Did Peter, Tom or Dan complain about Hillary's "buying" power? No way! They were busy pushing campaign finance reform and would never embarrass their favorite candidate. Nor question her integrity!
Just last July, Hillary told NBC's "Meet the Press" host Tim Russert, "I have no intention of running for president. ... I just want to be the best senator possible for New York."
‘Never Run'
Some years earlier, she told gossip columnist Liz Smith she would "never run for elective office." And just before husband Bill was impeached for lying, she told the world she didn't know about Bill's sex with the young White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
The rest of the world knew. A selective memory with a deceptive mind!
But politics is politics – and it's no surprise that the practitioners say whatever is expedient and then weasel out at will.
Many signs point to a "Hillary for President" run in 2004, or at least in 2008. The feminists and radicals are ecstatic about getting into the act. Of course, Hillary needs no introduction. Voters know her almost as well as they know Bill. Even so, reminders are in order.
Voters Remember
They remember how she took over the West Wing of the White House and set up her offices in space usually reserved for the vice president, upsetting the transition and blatantly bullying Bill for this choice spot, perhaps a quid pro quo for "standing by her man" in the Gennifer Flowers "sexcapade" during the 1992 campaign.
They remember how she took charge in the unlawful secret sessions of her failed attempt to regulate the federal health care system in 1993 – a scheme that could have devastated health care. Hillary wilt not forget this humiIiation.
Dumped in the Rain
Voters remember how she orchestrated dumping loyal White House Travel Office employees in the street in the rain in order to install her cronies.
She denied it, but disgruntled aide David Watkins warned in a memo that unless Hillary got her way, there would be "hell to pay" – a phrase that became the title of a best-selling book by the late Barbara Olson.
Voters remember her stonewalling and two-year delay in providing subpoenaed Rose Law Firm files, her role in illegally transferring some 900 raw FBI files into a database for Democratic National Committee computers for future blackmail purposes, and her obvious role in the frenzy of pardons-for-a-price by Bill during their final days in office.
$2 Million Not Reported
They remember that Hillary failed to report a $2 million Senate campaign donation to the Federal Election Commission – a contribution by Peter Paul, who was promised receptions and other honors by Bill, never delivered.
Paul now faces charges of stock fraud while the Bush administration refuses to charge Hillary for her alleged crime. President Bush said, "I have no stake in bitter arguments of the past."
But most of all, voters remember Hillary's true character – exemplified by her wholesale pilfering of furniture, china and silver from the White House, shipping them to Arkansas and having to send them back when she got caught.
Cheapest Shot of All
Perhaps the cheapest shot of all was the stripping of blankets, china and silverware from Air Force One, which was loaned to the Clintons after the Bush inauguration for their flight to New York.
None of this was returned and, of course, the new president took no action. Taxpayers paid for the theft and damages to government property – a federal offense for the rest of us.
Voters are not likely to forget Hillary's brother Hugh the Slob, sloughing around the White House during the "final hours" stuffing himself with freebies and tying up the phones frantically fixing pardons-for-a-fee for Rodham-Clinton cronies, crooks and contributors.
Books chronicle the Clintons in power, king and queen, partners who loved power and believed they were entitled to anything they wanted.
Voters, however, saw sleaze, adultery, lies and more lies, cheating, stonewalling, obstruction of justice, greed and whatever would advance their profit and pleasure.
Hillary's 'Wish List'
An up-to-date prime example of Hillary's true character and modus operandi may be her scheme last year, just before being sworn in as a senator, to actively solicit gifts of silver arid china via the Internet.
Hillary registered her "wish list" on the Web site of Borsheim's, a classy cutlery and china dealer in Omaha, Neb., with her e-mail address and password. The harvest netted 17 gifts worth $75,000, many from Hollywood bigwigs.
She also signed an $8 million book deal for a book she won't have to write until 2003.
She accepted the gifts and signed the book deal in time to prevent being subject to Senate ethics rules prohibiting them. New York got a clever senator.
Hillary's assets for a presidential run are substantial: big campaign contributions, round-the-clock media backing, propaganda by Hollywood, FBI files to smear critics, a prestigious Senate seat as launching pad, and her very own inbred ruthless, rigorous and relentless ambition.
In due time, we'll see posters such as "Hillary for President – and Away We Go!” and, of course, cute ones like "Hillary to the Fore in 2004."
She'll get votes with promises of peace, prosperity and fat pocketbooks. Bill did.
The question is: Did America learn its lesson? Just think – Bill could be her vice president.