Do You Support Sanctuary Cities?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    If you do support sanctuary cities, would you be happy to live in one?

    Hey, in the Bible, sanctuary cities were acceptable, right??

  • Tameria2001

    I won't live in one. I can understand why they were first created, but the problem is that people abuse that, which in turn ruins it for those who really need it.

  • minimus

    Tam, I am with you.

  • minimus

    Today’s criminals love living in their cities of refuge.

  • LongHairGal


    Don’t try to compare sanctuary cities of bible times to sanctuary cities of today!..Back then they were created for people who accidentally may have killed somebody, etc..And people back then weren’t the degraded human beings you have today.

    Today a sanctuary city is a place where lawbreakers can live - and very few law abiding citizens would want to be there!

  • minimus

    Lhg... you are right. It befuddles me that some people want them.

  • FedUpJW

    I support them...just not willingly. I pay taxes. And no, I would not live in one.

  • minimus

    It’s amazing that government officials flout the law and coddle criminals

  • waton

    I would support my city to be used as a temporary shelter for woman and children, and even a draft dodger, deserter to escape the nearby violence of conflict , and when its over leave.

    Sheltering illegal aliens is a disaster, because you are creating a society of scoff laws, It is astonishing that local officials in the process will not uphold the higher federal law of the land, and that elected officials will submit to the dictates of unelected bodies form Brussels or Manhattan, not to mention

    Brooklyn Wickwar. where sale of local sanctuaries aka kingdom halls s dictated.

  • Simon

    If they only sheltered illegal aliens because of their immigration status it would be bad enough, but they go way beyond that and actively protect people who have serious crimes - murder, rape, child-abuse etc.

    There is no basis in civilized society for allowing people to knowingly get away with serious crime simply because they have also previously committed other crimes - entering a country illegally. Many are repeat offenders.

    But I have little sympathy for people living in such cities - ultimately, they voted the morons in that enact these laws, so they get what they asked for when their cities turn to shit.

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