things you dont hear: Protest against Jehovah's Witnesses event in central Israel turns violent

by goingthruthemotions 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    "According to the JW. the municipality broke an agreement on the use of

    the sports center due to Discrimination". You don't say, the nerve.

    JW's do not discriminate, right.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer
    Religion business is messy stuff.
  • sir82
    Earlier this year there was a letter read to congregations, asking for volunteers to go on a preaching tour of 1-3 months in Israel. The detailed letters, given to anyone who expressed an interest, explained about how "safe" it would be.
  • Vidiot

    This makes me feel kind of conflicted.

    I totally get why the protestors feel the way they do - their issues are completely legitimate where the WTS is concerned...


    ...there's something fundamentally weird about a formerly oppressed people protesting the lawful actions of a(nother) minority group.

  • Simon
    there's something fundamentally weird about a formerly oppressed people protesting the lawful actions of a(nother) minority group.

    There is, but no one really has any cultural memory other than what they are taught and that is usually heavily biased.

    Everything is usually from the perspective of 'me' and 'us' ... rarely, 'we should know how that feels so let's not do it'.

    And when it comes to religion there really isn't much thought going on at all.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    there's something fundamentally weird about a formerly oppressed people protesting the lawful actions of a(nother) minority group

    There is, but the Jewish people have suffered genocide within living memory (Holocaust), plus have to listen to mad Iranian mullahs and Sunni clerics call for their destruction on a regular basis. IMO, it's understandable that they may be a bit paranoid.

    When have the English had genocide carried out on them? Or the Welsh? Or the Irish? Or the French? Or the Arabs? Or the Greeks? Or the Magyars? Or the Japanese? Or the Inuit? Or the Tlingit? Or sub-Saharan Africans?

  • Clambake

    Jw theology is quite anti-sematic in nature once you start to peel some of the layers back.

    The last thing the Israelis need is more people telling its young people not to join the armed forces. The survival of the Israel really depends on the draft.

    In Israel, JW are not just annoying, they are a threat to national security.

  • goingthruthemotions

    my point of brining up the article is this.

    has sir82 mentioned, the dub's were asking volunteers. i.e. the chariot is moving forward. but, when it hits a brick wall. hear nothing anymore. no new on there site, they never want to show themselves in negative light.

    just another sign of a cult. i truely wish i would have seen the signs before joining this captive group.

    i hate this cult!!!!!!!!

  • Vidiot

    @ Clambake...


    Hadn't thought of it that way.


    I did always find it ironic that Russel was, in many ways, a Zionist, whilst Rutherford was pretty obviously an anti-Semite.

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