The SDA problem is similar to the JW problem and it has to do with eschatological teachings not panning out. Unlike the JWs, the SDAs regard their founder as a prophet. Ellen G. White had a number of visions that became part of their canon. First, she had it revealed to her that the true sabbath was Saturday and that Christians had changed the times and the seasons. The sabbath has never changed to the first day of the week but had remained the seventh day, she said, and she had it revealed to her that the Antichrist was the Pope and that the end times would be preceded by the Pope gaining control of the nations of the earth, then passing "Sunday-only laws," and killing those who failed to comply. (Imagine the bunker video, but for SDAs instead of JWs.)
The Pope and the false prophet would take the nations of the earth down to Israel, where it would seek to take the city of Jerusalem by force, but they would be stopped in the valley of Armageddon and destroyed by the returning Christ.
Somehow this just didn't seem to be panning out as no one seems to care which day one worships on and no one has offered to hand over their standing armies over to the vatican. Even so, go to YouTube and enter "antichrist" and "pope." So some are still pitching it.