Do Holidays Such as Father's Day Upset You?

by minimus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    especially if you are shunned?

  • Hamas

    They do when I think about the cost.

  • minimus

    Well, if you're a father, it shouldn't cost you anything.

  • Ravyn

    well on Father's Day it is my turn to shun. My JW father always seemed to somehow get around the whole non-celebration thing by getting all sentimental about his being a father, and somehow we ended up going out to eat or something anyway---of course we were NOT celebrating Father's Day!(yeah right like Surprise Day on Dec. 25th...and our personal 'anniversaries' of birth...)

    But since my father left my mother 15 yrs ago and completely and totally destroyed her chances of any kind of normal life...I rather enjoy ignoring Father's Day now. And I celebrate Mother's Day openly.

    One thing I don't know how I am going to ignore this year tho is what would have been my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. If I had the money I would send my mom 50 roses and my father 50 dead roses, and my stepmother 50 condoms.


    PS I have a father-in-law now who is a former Green Beret and can be a charming sweetheart of a guy---so I honor him.

  • minimus

    Ravyn, you better. Green Berets can kill ya and you wouldn't even know it was coming.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    This morning my children celebrated their first Father's Day. As I stumbled out of bed in search of caffeine, I was greeted with lots of hugs and a gift basket. My son gave me a Star Wars action figure and he very thoughtfully suggested he keep it in his room to "keep it safe." My daughter gave me a wood peg game that I can play while we're traveling. The best thing about Father's Day is I get lots and lots of hugs.

    Children are great.

  • WildHorses
    My son gave me a Star Wars action figure and he very thoughtfully suggested he keep it in his room to "keep it safe."

    LOL that was cute. Kids, you have to love them.

  • SheilaM

    We always celebrated Father's Day LOL and Mother's Day and anything I could weasel out of the year day.

  • gumby

    I don't think it bothers me .....but it a big way.

    This morning I woke in the mood I used to have when it all went down. I think I'm over this shit and I'm not. I have a beautiful daughter who because of this F***** up religion she cannot even thank me for being a good dad. I hear happy fathers day everywhere I go ......but not for me.

    I feel for all the fathers who have left dubdom with family who are still in the Organisation on this day.

    Gumby....( not a good day for me)

  • dmouse

    I checked the WBTS CD but there's nothing at all about Father's Day unless you go back to 1956, which is not on the CD.

    I guess celebrating it must be a conscience matter. It was only instituted in 1910 and has no pagan origin.

    Anybody know for sure what the society's stand is?

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