What is it like to have that one true friend? Growing up in the org, I never really had friends. I had many acquaintances, some of which were “worldly”. But I can’t say that I ever had that one person that I could pour my soul out to, someone that I could just talk to. My siblings and I were not allowed to have “worldly friends”, so natural friendships were never able to develop. In the org, most of the kids that I grew up with were jerks and I never fit in with them anyway. Most of the kids that I grew up with are not associated with the org anymore anyway.
I would like to think that I am successful. I went to college, own my own home anhave a decent job. My siblings weren’t so fortunate. So I guess in that respect, I am okay.
I hate to admit it, but my wife and I are having serious issues, in part to me learning TTATT. I never really fit the mold of a “spiritual mate”, meaning that our relationship was doomed from the start. Your mate is supposed to be your best friend. That is not the case with us. In fact, I’m not sure I have a worst enemy then her. Every time we get into a discussion (which usually turns into an argument) about the org, she threatens to record me and turn me in the brothers for apostasy! Does that sound like a friend? What few worldly associates I did have, she made me cut off all contact with them as a condition of our marriage. Since I never really had friends in the org, it has left a void that has never been filled.
So what is it like to have that one true friend?