Common Psychological Problems of Mind Manipulation:
The following problems and emotions are common with survivors. These are all normal emotions and will pass as you recover.
Keeping a journal and sorting one's overwhelming feelings is most healing and helps work through feelings of betrayal and abuse. Finding someone to listen non-judgmentally and empathetically to your abusive experience is also a vital part.
Feeling of Spiritual Rape of the Soul
Enormous Feelings of Betrayal
** Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - [trauma becomes crystallized a few days after a traumatic event, such as exiting acult] (several of a cluster of symptoms can develop, including spontaneous crying, suicidal thoughts, emotional numbing, phobias, social withdrawal, flashbacks, amnesia, anxiety, depression, shame, guilt, self-loathing, fear of going insane.)
Identity Confusion/disorientation (the pre-cult personality--or real self--struggles with the in-cult personality that was imposed by the cult) (there can be difficulty integrating the cultic world with the outside world)
Dissociation (not being in touch with reality or those around them; inability to communicate)
Floating (getting triggered into cult mode, flashbacks into the cult mind-set; thoughts of returning to the cult)
Panic and Anxiety Attacks
Obsessive Thoughts
Psychosomatic Symptoms (head/backaches, asthma, skin rash, lethargy)
Problems or Inability in Making Decisions (because of the dependency fostered by the cult)
Inability to Concentrate (with short-term memory loss)
Fear ("What if I am wrong?" "What if harmful events actually do happen?" "I can't ever be happy outside the group." Includes phobias & fear going crazy because of "floating")
Grief & Sense of Loss (grieving loss of innocence, idealism, spirituality, self-esteem, pride; sense of purpose, meaning and belonging in life; support system; friends and family lost in cult; loss of time, goals and youth.
Guilt/Shame (for getting involved, for the people they recruited, things done while in the group; for leaving)
Lack of Trust (of group situations; deep suspicions about others motives and attitudes)
Intense Loneliness (strong & unique bonds were forged in the cult)
Sense of Purposelessness & Disconnection (missing the peak experiences of the group)
Sense of Isolation/Alienation ("No one understands what I am going through.")
Overly Critical of Oneself and Others (due to incorporating the harsh attitudes of the cult leader)
Seeing Everything in Black and White (cults do not teach to look for the gray areas)
Problems Having Boundaries (boundaries were violated time and again in the cult until one lost sense of which boundaries were appropriate)
Lack of Self-Esteem & Feelings of Worthlessness (cult leaders continually blame members)
Sleep Disorders (including nightmares and insomnia)
Eating Disorders
Sexuality Problems
Fear of Intimacy and Commitment
Harassment and Threats
Anger or Rage (toward the group & leader; towards oneself; suppression of anger in the cult actually contributed to depression and sense of helplessness)
Problems with Career or Employment (because of years in the cult; lost job opportunities, etc.)
Family Issues
Spiritual (or philosophical) issues
Impatience with the Recovery Process
** Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Judith Herman (author of Trauma and Recovery), along with others likes to use the this term for people who have suffered prolonged, repeated trauma. This disorder can be the result of months or years of subjection to totalitarian control.
Compiled by Dee and Mike
Exit & Support Network
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance- for fear we imprison the mind
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