My first meeting after becoming an "apostate"

by Winston Smith :>D 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Well, I went to my first Sunday meeting after realizing the real "truth" about the WTS today.

    It is interesting sitting there with a liberated mind-set now.

    At one point my wife turned to me and asked during the public talk, "What’s so funny?"


    I asked her.

    "Because you’re smiling."


    Smiling at the KH, a sure sign that your not a JW I guess.


    Another point that almost made me jump out of my chair was when the speaker was citing different scriptures to disprove the Trinity because the Holy Spirit was mentioned.

    "OK. I can go either way on that I guess,"

    I think to myself.

    Then he turns to the account of Stephen being stoned:

    *** Rbi8 Acts 7:55-56 ***

    55 But he, being full of holy spirit , gazed into heaven and caught sight of God’s glory and of Jesus standing at God’s right hand,

    And he says; "Now notice that only Jesus and God are mentioned as being seen by Stephen, not the Holy Spirit."

    My first thought was, "Does anyone else read the Holy Spirit in their Bible besides me here???"

    Now this may not necessarily prove or disprove the Trinity doctrine, but to have the gaul to use the line of thinking that only two of the three Trinity characters are in these scriptures to disprove the doctrine and then use this scripture I thought was gutsy to say the least. It just demonstrates how the WTS has folks so brainwashed that the WTS didn’t even feel it a risk that people would take note of this inconsistency.

    Then to top things off he turns to this scripture. He now condones other organizations for adding to the Bible. What more can be said:

    *** Rbi8 Galatians 1:8 ***8

    However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to YOU as good news something beyond what we declared to YOU as good news, let him be accursed.
  • Gadget

    I've been at the convention all weekend, and you are so right. I ended up paying much more attention than I ever have just so I could pick up on all the double talk. It makes you wonder how you were ever taken in by it.

    By the way, has anyone here tried to scan any liturature, then convert it to a word document? On my computer it picks up so many errors in the grammar they use. Twisting the words to make it more palateable...

  • Maverick

    The clouds have parted, the Sun shines, and you can 'see' again! It's a miracle! Thank God!Maverick

  • rocketman

    Gadget, that's interesting. I've never scanned it and tried that. One thing I will say that is many times, especially after reading articles on the WT or Awake on history or science, I had often felt as if I just wasn't "getting" what they were trying to say, whereas when I read articles on such topics from so-called "secular" sources I find that I don't have to strain to comprehend what's being written.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Keep us posted on the meeting you attend, it will interesting to watch your attitude as you go to more and more meetings until you quit. So please keep posting, it is interesting how we pay more attention once we decide the Watchtower is wrong.

    Getting back to the Stephen thing (not to offend anyone here) but I know many people on Friday and Staurday nights that see God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit after a good night of drinking, maybe Stephen had a few before , well you know ......

    And to Gadget, maybe your computer is a lot smater than the Watchtower, it can determine instantly that they don't make sense. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    I fell off my chair I was laughing so hard ......

    Also Gadget please post again regarding the rest of the assembly, I enjoyed your post on day one .......

  • DIM

    Funny, I was going through some of my mother in law's magazines today (she just moved out here from PA) and had to crack up at some of the titles - "what would you say to god", "is it safe to fly" and some other one about how churches are begging for money. total hypocrisy, very funny.

  • drwtsn32


    I sometimes would like to go back with a clear mind and laugh at all of the crap they spew from the platform. I hope that you will endure long enough to free your wife. Is she already able to question things?

  • kgfreeperson

    I am convinced that the convoluted language is purposeful--to make you feel stupid and in need of their guidance. Grrrrr.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D


    “Is she already able to question things?”

    No, not yet. She takes everything from the WTS at face value. One of the things that attracted me to her was her fierce loyalty to Jehovah. She has even turned some of her "best friends" [they were kinda jags IMHO, not the best of friends to have] in to the elders in the past because they were involved with “wrongdoing”. I need to have a well-planned strategy put together before I start to expose her to the “Truth”


    “I am convinced that the convoluted language is purposeful”

    It’s funny you say that because it was one of the things that stood out to me also and prompted me to look deeper in the WTS pubs. It reeks of Orwellian “Newspeak”, ala his book, “1984”. If anyone here hasn’t read that and “Animal Farm” since being a JW, you owe it to yourselves to read it. They read like the WTS handbook. The even more disturbing part is that the book was describing the oppressive Russian gov’t of the time. Too bad there are so many similarities.

    run dont walk

    “Keep us posted on the meeting you attend”

    I’ll try to make a point of it.

    Thanks to everyone else for their comments also.

  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    Really Winston, you let her catch you smiling? The last few meetings I attended, everyone looked extremely tired and numb. Thanks for sharing the part about Stephen and the Holy Spirit. Now that you mention that it reminds me of what was said about the cult in Waco a few years ago. The people would be so mentally exhausted that they weren't able to think for themselves. If I had been at your meeting the other day, that scripture about Stephen would have went right over my head. Ever since I started reading other Bible translations, I have been able to comprehend what I read. Is it just me, or is the NWT a jumbled MESS?

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