the greatest of love and peace to you, Lea... and I think we are saying the same thing. True, it seems unusual for the word "hymen" to be used.
What I first received I thought to be the "cervix"; my goodness, I had completely forgotten how the female body is truly constructed and that anything otherwise existed! However, I was corrected, first by another who possesses holy spirit... whose words the Spirit bore witness to when he said: "the cervix is not penetrated... pierced... in order to "open" the way; it is the hymen." Once the hymen is torn, the woman is no longer considered a virgin. Thus, by means of Christ, the "way" into the Ark (womb of the woman) of the Covenant - is opened. We must go THROUGH him... and he was PIERCED so that we could.
As regards the same word being used to name a false god... dear Lea, you "know" me... to some degree, too. I would NEVER say such a thing unless I heard it from my Lord. In truth, it almost "stumbled" me, too! My thought was "My Lord, why would such a thing be named after such a god?" But... as always, I was directed to put faith in what I heard... and so I did. Thus, it is my understanding that what we know as the part of a woman's body as the "hymen" in truth has a different word in Hebrew/Aramaic... as well as a MUCH more noble connotation: a woman with the hymen intact was/is considered of GREAT value. Unfortunately... LANGUAGE and mistransliterations of it... as well as our Society's "holier-than-thou-omigod-you-can't- say-such-a-word FEAR"... which fear has also led many... MANY... to not even use our Father's NAME... have led to such a thing as in this case and many others.
The way my Lord explained it to me is that there are only certain words in certain languages that describe certain words in OTHER languages. Thus, in our language - English - what is referred to in Hebrew (but not Greek - and remember "Hymen" was a GREEK god)... is the "hymen." Due to... ummmm... propriety... we also call it the "maidenhead." But... DOCTORS call it the "hymen," so that is the CLINICAL word, as a LOT of our clinical English words come from Greek... and Latin. No change was made, then, when the predominant language evolved from Greek, to Latin, to olde English, to Medieval English... to modern English. And that MAY be because it is what it is... and unfortunately, the Greeks also chose to name a god after the root word. Because not only does the word represent the name of a Greek god, it also is the Greek noun for "marraige", as well as a wedding song or poem.
If there is any OTHER English word... other than "maidenhead"...I am unaware of it, truly. And if there is, I have NO problem using it... first, so as not to cause stumbling and second, so as to not inadvertently refer to some false god when describing NOT my Lord... but the function of his flesh being the CURTAIN of the temple... that which separates us being "one" with God. It is only by going through HIM... that we become one with God, in spirit. Just as by going through the hymen of a woman, a man becomes one with her, in the flesh.
It is unfortunate that some will claim on the one hand that we were made in God's image (which, of course, is untrue - we are in Adam's image)... and then turn around and decry what they believe God "created". If God "created" us... then there cannot BE a body part that is unmentionable... if mentioned by its true name. It is when we use vulgar slang and street language to defame that which is honorable that we "go there." Unfortunately, all of us are not educated enough... and I don't necessarily mean by SCHOOL... to understand this. We live in FEAR... and yet claim to love God... all the while disregarding that LOVE... casts FEAR... outside.
I said what I said because it is what I heard and know to be true from my Lord. I would that I could say whatever it is that earthling MAN wishes me to say, only to save myself some of the grief. But... I cannot. I am not a slave of earthling man so that I should concern myself with what tickles HIS ears. I am not a slave of earthling man so that I should cringe when ones who represent themselves as being so clean that they cannot even hear a spoken or see it written... a word that denotes HONOR in a woman... and come unglued. I am too old for that... and to loyal to my Lord. The Jews were stumbled greatly when he told them that they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood. Why? Because such a think... even MENTIONING such a thing... was so deplorable... so AGAINST the Law... to THEM... that they couldn't stand to hear it. And what was the result? They went off.
But the disciples, although most probably also feeling a little uneasy at what my Lord had said realized one thing: they could take it... or leave him. What did they choose? Yes, him... for as Peter said, "Whom shall be go away TO? YOU... have sayings of everlasting life." I, too, have no "where" else to go. There is no other for me... no other voice that speaks to me IN TRUTH... or consistently leads me TO truth. I have FOUND the Messiah... and I am sticking with HIM.
I want to end this post by saying this to you, so that you will understand: In another post, I have had to hand someone over to the Adversary. I am not sure if you've ever been there... having to do such a thing... but it is one of THE WORST things we must do, when we must do it. It is NOT pleasant... nor is it desirable. A true son of God does NOT derive any pleasure in a sheep being "lost" in ANY manner, certainly not in this manner. While there are those who WOULD gloat over such a thing (I am reminded of my days in the WTBTS when I would hear "publishers" label the householders "goats" before they made it back to the sidewalk - it always shocked and mortified me!)... it is, in TRUTH, among the greatest tragedies we experience. My spirit grieved... and grieves still... for it was unnecessary, truly. I do not know what any others may have posted since. I was directed not to return there... and forgot: out of habit, I did go to the thread, but once in I immediately remembered my Lord's warning... to ME. So, I opened only your thread, because I love you and you deserve a response from me. I have asked my Lord's forgiveness for my disobedience in this... and permission to respond to you... in the spirit of Abraham at the time of Sodom... which is why I have been granted to respond to you. Thus, I started this thread.
I am saying this to you... so that you will know that I will NOT go back there after this. There is no longer any point whatsoever. Please, then, write to me under any other thread, including this one, but not that one. I will not go there again, so I will not see your post and thus will not respond. I have been cautioned that it will not be "over" with such one... that he or she will not stop at blaspheming the spirit... but will proceed to slander. So be it.
But it MUST be over with me - I will not put my Lord to the test. Rather, I will wait on JAH. For ALL things that are hidden WILL be revealed. Thus, as far as the individual is concerned, I have done as my Lord directed me: requested that the peace I wished him/her to return to me... and wiped the dust from my feet.
Again, I bid you the greatest of love and peace... and if I have missed/overlooked anything you've asked, please ask it again here or in another thread For in truth, my chagrin at my disobedience caused me to rush through your questions, so that I may not have gotten everything.
Your servant, sister and a slave of Christ,