I am an atheist & This is My version of God.
Instead of using the Term God, I'll use "Creation of Man".
This "Creation of Man" is flawed in Every Way. No matter how hard each group or individual tries to make their god into perfection, they can't cover everything, and they mess up.
They typically put their "Creation of Man" outside of the Laws of Science to explain him/her/it. For example Gravity.. The "Creation of Man" found in the Bible makes the sun stand still at one point, which just could not happen. The writers of the Bible make the son of their "Creation of Man" able to defy gravity and walk on water, even allowing a human to walk on water. And you would be hard pressed to find any exceptions in the "Creations of Man" throughout all of history. Each and every one seems to be above or beyond the laws of science. Why, the "Creation of Man" of Judaeo-Christianity is even exempt from believers' insistence that all matter and energy must have had a beginning.
Despite the assertion in this thread that the poster's "Creation of Man" does not Act based on Emotion, we read clearly that it does act on emotion constantly, feeling regret over creating man or angry at groups or individuals, causing great destruction of lives all the time.
This "Creation of Man" from the Bible is very Partial. In the beginning, a human must be without the knowledge of good and bad yet totally obedient. That develops into the "Creation of Man" preferring descendants of Abraham- the Jews- over all others and having their walled city simply collapse despite the "Creation of Man" never revealing himself to the non-Jews. Later, all people are supposed to convert to the beliefs that a guy born in obscurity and killed in obscurity was the son of this "Creation of Man" with a kinder, gentler message. If you don't accept that, then you can go to Hell.
This "Creation of Man" is very high on himself and jealous, it does desire to be Worshipped and Praised, it does declare it will punish those that say it cannot be Known.
This "Creation of Man" has a ton of Laws in the Bible. Some are self-contradictions to each other.
This "Creation of Man" has made endless Commandments for Humans.. depending on which humans are telling you this.
This "Creation of Man" is a thing of superstitious sheep herders. Move on from it and embrace your own intelligence and the collected wisdom of science. and Evolve.