those meetings are SOOOOOOOO boring
Not exactly a knees up is it!
Welcome to the board
by Algun Otro 27 Replies latest jw friends
those meetings are SOOOOOOOO boring
Not exactly a knees up is it!
Welcome to the board
why not just stop going to meetings and hanging out with JW's?
Family in the Truth . The harm the WT causes I see on a daily basis.
Once you start discovering what the GB is all about, how they deceive and split families apart
You'll get pissed-off, you watch. For me it's not just enough to disappear.
THEY have to disappear!.
I'm sorry if my "apostate" statement seemed a little callous.... it was late and I had just spent 8 hours sitting in some VERY uncomfortable seats. I have complete sympathy for those that left the organization.... as my wife had to get DF'ed so that we could get married (she had been married before), and I could see the tremendous pressure that she was put under.
But her ex-husband, who cheated on her countless times, just quit going and moved on. Now he still has contact with his family, and we even saw him at the Memorial. Also, my brother-in-law never got baptized and "ratted-out" a bunch of his Kingdom Hall buddies when he was in high school.... and he seems to be doing fine also. But I can see that if you've been entrenched in everything for a long period of time, it would be difficult to sever the ties.
I, personally, don't have a problem with any of it. Its just another religion to me, and if you follow their tenets closely, nothing bad is really going to happen to you. It's not like some cults who demand all of your money, or for you pack up and move to a compound.... they just want you to go door-to-door, don't commit adultry, don't smoke, and go to the boring meetings. Of course, I don't take any of it too seriously, so maybe it easier for me to see the silly side.
Algun Otro |
I like your sense of humor, welcome to the board!!
Stick around you will understand us better after you have been around a little while.
I wish I could go back and be in the situation you're in now, tettering on the brink, not yet baptised but thinking about it. I would turn and run away as fast as I possibly could.
The JWs are the source of at least 95% of the pain I have experienced in my life. I wish I could go back and choose again.
You are missing something very basic. Those people who just "move on", are considered apostate by witnesses. Anyone who was baptised, and then later disagrees with witness teaching, even if only privately, is an apostate, from the witness point of view. In speaking of your wife's ex, you simply described someone who is either A) an inactive believer, or B) an apostate in the closet.
Every person who post on this board, who was ever a baptised JW, is an apostate.
A df'd person is many levels above an apostate in the view of a witness (even if the df'ing is for something like murder or pedophilia). A df'd person who no longer agrees with the teachings, is just another apostate.
Jehovahs Witnesses use the word "apostate" much like racist use the word "nigger". To marginalize, demonize, and dehumanize.
Welcome Algun.
A few folks here predicted that the part at the Convention dealing with the Internet would in fact bring people to sites to check out what was indeed being said about the jw religion. Looks like that's starting to happen.
As far as the meetings go, yep, they are boring, and also, in regard to answering questions at the WT study, if one tries answering in a fashion that does not really reflect what the paragraph states or what the WTS teaches will be quickly viewed with suspicion.
Its just another religion to me, and if you follow their tenets closely, nothing bad is really going to happen to you. It's not like some cults who demand all of your money, or for you pack up and move to a compound....
Ummm...dude...they require you die or let your children die rather than take a blood transfusion. Did you not know about that?
Are you aware that there are a huge number of JW children who were sexually abused by JW men, and the parents were told that since there were not 2 witnesses, there was no 'proof' (according to JW theology), and that nothing would be done to the abuser and that if the parents told anyone else or went to the police they would be disfellowshipped? (many were - there are currently lawsuits against the society for this)
I'd consider either of these 2 things "something bad that really might happen to you". (I'm guessing you didn't know?)
Welcome aboard Algun:
It's not like some cults who demand all of your money,
Well the money thing, they may not demand it, but they are sure damn good at suggesting what you should do with your money, your property, your inheritances, your tax rebates, your life insurance policies, your RSP's, your kids education.
or for you pack up and move to a compound....
Why would they? That's the nefarious thing about the WT. JWs are entrapped within the confines of their own mind, Don't need any physical walls or fences, when you're brainwashed!
Funny post! You know - I was always utterly BORED at the meetings too. I realize now it was because all I was getting was watered down dribble over and over and over again.
Now that I have started to really study the bible in depth I am amazed at how much more I've learned and how exciting it can be. The more I study the more questions I have - and it's great!
I don't think I could sit through another meeting again - it would be like going back to Kindergarden.......been there - done that - needed to move on and GROW!