He resurrected himself, just like he talked to himself.
Who Resurrected Jesus?
by snakeface 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Pete Zahut
If you no longer believe, good for you, we respect that. All the same, you should be respectful enough not to interject or attempt to hijack a thread by stating your personal opinion and not adding to the OP conversation.
If you no longer believe, good for you, we respect that.
Who is this we that you seem to be representing and who are you to not only reprimand those who with good intention have answered a question posed in another individuals post but then proceed to accuse them of attempting to hijack a thread that's not even yours?
It seems to me that it is you who has successfully hijacked the post by stating your personal opinion rather than adding anything to it.
Tenacious; OP asked a simple question based on that poster's belief system, I gave a simple answer based on my belief system. Sorry if that offended you.
I think it is not unreasonable for xtians to discuss a theological topic based on the presumption that God exists.
If I started a thread on a scientific debate within the broader field of evolution it would be tedious to have to put up with superstitious people interjecting with creationism.
I agree with Tenacious.
Half banana
Tedious or not Cofty we play the game based on evidence. Evidence is called for in science but but how can one use facts to prosecute a case based on mythology?
Those of us who truly broke away from this cult do not have a need to correct those who believe differently. We are at peace with our decision and we allow others to have their own beliefs.
Are you an athiest? I won't try to discredit your beliefs on this board. Are you pro-abortion? Are you in favor of same-sex marriage? Do you worship Alllah? Which political party are you affiliated with? Again, it is not my place to discredit your beliefs on this board.
It is only JWs who go around trying to get the whole world to believe the way they do. Myself, when I see a post about something I do not agree with, I do not reply unless I am asked for my opinion. Those of you who feel you have to post to discredit other's beliefs actually still have the cult mindset.
Live and let live.
Half Banana - I think you have missed my point. I agree that there is absolutely no evidence that god exists. It is a topic we regularly debate.
Sometimes people post threads with the intention of debating whether or not Watchtower doctrine is consistent with the bible that they profess to follow. That is a legitimate thing to do. Replying that god isn't real is true but not helpful.
Snakeface - I think debate about religious topics on a religious discussion forum is entirely valid. I will continue to discredit theism. It doesn't mean I need everybody to agree with me it just means that I think big questions are worth debating. Some people avoid those types of threads. That is fine too.
Those of you who feel you have to post to discredit other's beliefs actually still have the cult mindset
Actually it is those who refuse to engage in debate and hold their most cherished beliefs up to scrutiny that are more of a cause for concern. Telling ex-JWs that they still have a cult mindset is a cheap shot.
No one asked if Jesus existed or not. The OP asked "who" had resurrected Him. This has nothing to do with belief.
Sure, but if someone asks me where does Santa Claus live, are we not allowed to answer that he doesn't live anywhere cause he doesn't exist. Seems a valid answer.
I think the OP asked the question to everybody, not only to the ones believing in fairy tales.
Me and cofty have had it out a few times regarding the existence of God.
All the while, he respects my point of view and I respect his. He doesn't see the need and neither do I (as well as other board members who's aim is to keep it civilized and respectful) to interject and try and impose his point of view on a topic not being discussed. Cofty sums it up best as written:
If I started a thread on a scientific debate within the broader field of evolution it would be tedious to have to put up with superstitious people interjecting with creationism.
Thank you cofty for seeing my point of view as posted. No offense to anyone and I apologize if I came off as rude or insensitive.
As an anti theist i would argue that any question posed re' supernatural claims or discussion in an open forum should be open to challenge. The theistic claim of God or Jesus resurrecting anything is fair game . Devils advocacy or shutdown of anyone on this forum who proffers an opinion ,should not be stifled but be encouraged. It should be left to the original poster to respond or not ,it is their choice.