Watchtower online religion

by Hellothere 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hellothere
    If watchtower becomes a online religion, how you think transition gonna be like? I thought this maeby would happen in a span of 20 years. When all Old timers are gone and just the new tech savvy generation left. But with selling of kingdom Hall's and probably like half JWs wanna continue on zoom, it may happen much faster. Even in five years maeby. You think it's gonna be base on monthly subscription? You pay every month and get password. How about elders and co. Will they be removed or moved to some kind of online elders platform. At least the child abuse situation would be handled that way. Kind of crazy that after hundred years of rules and regulations. Keep congregation clean and bla bla. Tree meetings a week. All could end up in a online religion without real congregations. It was all just a waste of time in the end.
  • joao

    It is all just a war of time and resources!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I'm thinking the transition will be gradual. Like boiling a frog. You can't do it all at once.

    I mean, who would have thought even 10 years ago about the Broadcasting. Any mention of Broadcasting the Dubs would have thought you were ''nuts''.

  • mikeflood

    It's pretty mucho online now. I think they're gonna keep only the Assembly Halls, getting rid of the KH....way more easy just meet in person three times a year, and for preaching they just could meet in a cafe or a parking lot... don't give them ideas however....

  • Hellothere
    I agree, it's mostly online already. Meetings being mostly about videos. Preaching mostly about directing people too the website. Maeby the question should have been, when will the GB sell out all halls of and run with the money.
  • joe134cd

    I can see there been more disadvantages than advantages to going on line. True, they get to free up the cash they have in property, and minimise their exposure to CSA.

    Because it’s been an organisation very much based on the control of its members, they need to have physicality. How could I be summoned to a JC, where nobody knows where I live, or what I get up to. It makes turning up 3 times a year, to account for myself, a-lot more “double life” friendly. This could also be a JW positive, as they religion certainly needs to get rid of PIMO’s, and concentrate more on its core believers. Particularly ones who are willing to part with their money. I’m convinced if the go totally on line it will inevitably be the end of them or at least the religion I knew.

    The GB would certainly have be aware of this as they contemplate their next move.

  • peacefulpete

    joe134cd....It's already not the religion I knew from my youth. Changes are coming. Let's hope you are right and in the end it'll be a less controlling organization.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    "Because it’s been an organisation very much based on the control of its members, they need to have physicality. How could I be summoned to a JC, where nobody knows where I live, or what I get up to. It makes turning up 3 times a year, to account for myself, a-lot more “double life” friendly. ""

    BINGO,!! I couldn't have said it better. Yes, For fades and PIMOs, the life gets easier. Leading a double life alll the easier only having to show up at some A$$embly hall a few times a year.

  • punkofnice

    Perhaps the danger with 'on-line' is, that's where all the 'apostate(tm)' information is.

    I think humans being social animals will still want a sense of physical community.

    If the cult goes totally 'on-line' they may face extinction rapidly.

    Sounds good. Let them go on-line asap.

  • BluesBrother

    I don’t see any signs of it at the moment. The covid closedown would have been the perfect opportunity to do it, keeping a lot of meetings on zoom. But, no, they have re opened the Halls, are planning real conventions and Circuit Assemblies next year as well as in-person elders schools . They know the value of being together as a group .

    Maybe one day if it is forced on them but not for a long time yet.

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