Took a while, but I got approved for 2 brand new hearing aids for FREE!!
The clinic across from the homeless shelter where I am staying told me today that my application for 2 brand new hearing aids got approved and I am to report to the clinic tomorrow morning at 10 AM to be fitted for new ear molds.
Still no luck on jobs!
I went to the Speedway gas station 6 weeks ago and came back 3 weeks later to check on the status of my application and someone lost it. So I gave another copy of my resume and the manager there told me to come back Wednesday for the interview which I did.
Then the manager calls in and states she won't be coming in. (????) so I had the interview done with the assistant manager instead.
Then I came back Sunday to check on the manager since I had not heard back from her and was told to come back the next day on Monday.
Then I come back Monday and the manager told me to come back Thursday (so I'm like, "what the heck??"). So I come back in Thursday and the manager tells me all the positions are all filled.
So I got blown off basically.
Anyway, I hope with my hearing aids so that it can help me hear some sounds (I'm deaf, but not STONE deaf) and hope it improves my chances of getting a job.
Wish me luck!