Iran will have a nuclear weapon next year

by JH 13 Replies latest social current

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Iran & other "unnamed" countries, already have several. Russia and the US have the receipts to prove it.

    Beleive it or not. all of this escalation over WMDs is nothing new. It is all part of a world wide plan to bring everyone under a "One World Government."-To give up freedoms, etc. sort of like being in the Borg-Org all over again!! I know, you are thinking Bull Sh*t. Right? Well, the TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION. (NO PUN INTENDED).

    My advice? Know your possible survival situations and what you might have to DO to protect yourself and family-- and plan for it! Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

    I won't get into survival stuff but, NOW is a good time to start planning, learning, thinking and..........................

    it is all up to YOU.

  • Hamas

    lol Mr Kim

    Don't worry about it man, relax.

    You could plan for it for 4 years, and on the night before it happens you get knocked down by a buss.

    Don't get in a huff over press frenzy's.

    Relax Cargo. Theres not a cop for 20 blocks.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim


    I know, I know! Ain't it cool?

  • Realist


    I think that Iran has a better military than Iraq did, and would put up a better resistance than Iraq did.

    well it can't be worse can it?

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