Another Sad Shunning due to homophobia by J.W's !!

by Phizzy 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TxNVSue2023

    Touch of grey -- what you fail to realize is that Christian's don't don't need to follow any leviticus laws -- that is the old covenant for the Jews.

    So you failed at your own understanding.

  • FragrantAddendum

    jesus showed love to all people

    god shows love to all people

    the rain and sun benefit all people

    wt shunning is demonic teaching

  • matt2414

    I spent a lot of time away from JW doctrine researching homosexuality and the Bible, and to my surprise, the Bible says very little on the topic. Most of the gay bashing by so-called Christians is based on their own personal biases and of teachings of pagans that were introduced around the 4th century, well after the time of the apostles. Jesus as head of the Christian church makes no mention of homosexuality even it was quite common in the first century. I find that people who defend homophobia, which is prejudice and discrimination against gay people, are really enemies of God since we are all made in his image.

  • Jeffro


    No one is afraid of homos

    Wrong as usual. There is literally a traditional classification of ‘gay panic’ as a defence for violence against perceived homosexual advances.

  • Scully

    When I worked at the hospital many moons ago, the nurse educator - an evangelical christian - made the comment to me "If my son chose to be gay, I would be very disappointed." I responded thoughtfully, saying "You know, I don't EVER recall making a choice to be heterosexual, do you?" She didn't say another word, but she looked like she'd been hit by lightning.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Don't know why he felt the need to talk about his personal issues when describing JW parents shunning. Hell, I got abandoned at age 14 for doing nothing more that trying to stay sane, while not being allowed to:

    1. Play sports

    2. Draw mazes for the school newspaper

    3. Do anything other than stare at the walls until it was time to go to the meeting.

    4. Have a girlfriend from school

    5. Go to a school football game, dance, prom, etc.

    Of course, it didn't help my parents cause that my teen years were directly after 1975, the biggest pile of dukey that the WT laid on kids. We were pissed that everyone just acted like a bunch of robots like nothing of any significance had occurred.

    BTW, Is this thread about Homos or JW parents shunning?

  • scary21

    For some reason in my experience, all the gay men I've known all my life have had the best personalities and always make me feel funny, cool, young and beautiful.. . I just got a new gay next door neighbor and I love him and his microbladed eyebrows. Best neighbor ever !

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    For some reason the Mayo Clinic has this to say about gay men:

    Gay men and other men who have sex with men may be at an increased risk of depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety.

    Gay men are more likely to deal with alcohol use disorder than are other people.

    ... research has shown that gay men and other men who have sex with men experience intimate partner violence at a higher rate than do other men.

    The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is available to men up to age 26. HPV is associated with anal cancer in men who have sex with men.

    And the National Institutes of Health said this about gay men. :

    Twenty-one percent had made a suicide plan; 12% had attempted suicide (almost half of those 12% were multiple attempters). Most who attempted suicide made their first attempt before age 25.

  • Jeffro

    Sea Breeze:

    For some reason the Mayo Clinic has this to say about gay men:

    ‘For some reason’? The same page on the Mayo Clinic website says:

    Concern about homophobia and the stigma sometimes associated with homosexuality may prevent some gay men from getting routine health care.
    Which is why they are at higher risk of mental health issues and sexual health issues. So maybe if religious jerks weren’t jerks so much, victims of homophobia wouldn’t have so many issues.

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