If you were gay would you...

by Swan 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • GentlyFeral

    Monk3y said:

    since I started posting I do feel this way, I feel thats what Im perceived as doing "flaunting my lifestyle"

    Well, ya know the modern proverb: "If ya got it, flaunt it!"


  • oldcrowwoman

    In light of the recent threads on homosexuality, if you were gay would you let anyone know on this site?

    Yes I would when the opportunities arise.

    Would you feel supported as gay exjw or would you feel ridiculed?

    for the most part supported. There a few low riders that like create drama and make fools out of themselves!!

    Would you feel supported as a gay exjw or would you feel that revealing your sexual orientation would make you subject to attack?

    Thats the risk I take.

    No I would be perceive as flaunting your life style.

    Considering what jw's put gay people thru, would you feel that this site is accepting, tolerant or judgemental?

    For myself is accepting, tolerant and judgemental. And lately their is hateful threads. that don't need to to exposed on this site. It saddens me to read the hatefulness and hitting below the belt.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mentality!!

    As far as double standard I have no clue its been awhile in a primary relationship


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    In keeping with my general attitude about posting on the internet, which is: "I don't really know any of you people and I don't have to spend any time at all associating with you unless it's enjoyable and I want to, and it's not worth my effort to try to 'hide' things you might not like, and why should I lose 10 second's sleep sitting up worrying about what you all think of me anyway, because what the h*ll to I care???"

    I'd almost certainly be "out" on the board.

    Hell, I've told you I had been to nudist gatherings and coven meetings , what's a non-issue like homosexuality??

  • WildHorses

    LOL at Joel. That was funny.

  • JH

    I never read threads on Homosexuality, Gay, etc....This is an exception. That topic doesn't interest me much. I don't even know who is gay or not here, and I don't give a sh**.

    All I can tell you is that I am NOT gay.

    Women are so sexy...

  • pettygrudger

    lol @ JoelBear!

    Seriously though, if I were homosexual, I would do exactly what I do now - if I talk about my life, my partner etc. etc.

    I grew up & was raised a JW, but I would think that would make ex-jw's MORE tolerant of different cultures, lifestyles, etc. We all came out of the Borg & realized it wasn't "the truth" - so that should make most more open to the fact that some people have different lifestyles - IF YOU CAN EVEN CALL IT THAT!!! That's what always gets me about people's "opinions" of homosexuality - they reduce a person down to their sexual behavior. Its totally moronic & those people really need to pull whatever's stuck up their own butts (no puns intended - nor do I mean to offend). Homosexuals, like hetrosexuals live the same type of lives that EVERYONE lives. They work, they love, they raise children, they learn, they grow, they die. They experience happiness, sadness, loss, success, failure - everything everyone else on this planet does! They are not foreign creatures. Its so disgusting to me to watch people reduce a human down to what they do probably on the same averages as everyone else on this planet! The only thing that holds them back from being able to be open, or even have to consider their situation is different, or something to be hidden is stereotypical bigotry - so don't try to mask it for something that its not (and yes - I'm referring to the locked thread). Yes, some bigotry is deep rooted - but so what?! Fake it till you make it - and get over it! The world would really be a much better place if people did.

    I don't think Homosexuality should even have to be a subject for conversation to tell you the truth.....it really should be a non-issue - as much as heterosexuality.

  • IronGland

    These threads prove one thing. Gay people love disco's.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    If I were gay, sure I'd talk about it. Hell I've talked about other experiences more personal than that, so why not?

    If I were gay I would have left the Witnesses faster than a speeding bullet.

    I honestly cannot understand the anger some folks feel about this subject. My heart goes out to the gay women and men who have had to lie or live a double life. How awful not to be able to be who you are or have people accept the real you.

    I know what it feels like to have others sit in judgment on me. It doesn't feel very good. I cannot in good conscience every knowingly do that to someone else. I could never look myself in the eye knowing I had made another person feel what I felt.

  • m0nk3y

    WOW! Theres a few people here that I didnt realise were gay and there are many many supporters, it's really, really good to see.


  • rocketman

    Funny comment by Joelbear.

    And another no comment on a Homosexual thread by me.....though I am always open for a discussion on homo sapiens, or homo erectus, or homo habilis, or......

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