I have been doing some research on Freemasonry and the Pyramids lately. Does anyone know if the purple triangles on the shirts of the JW holocaust victims had anything to do with the Pyramids; and WHO decided to put that particular patch on THAT group of people? I know that the "Star of David" is another symbol used in Freemasonry as well as the "Watchtower" symbol. I did read the letter from Judge Rutherford that he wrote to Hitler. Just wondered if anyone else ever questioned this.
Any takers?
by Jessica Rabbit 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't have an answer for you but I was also wondering recently about the watchtower symbol. I would love to prove that it's of pagan origin (assuming it is) but would like to know either way.
Jessica Rabbit
Oh Spice, you are gonna love this one..... I just recently finished a book - "The Armageddon Cult" written by Daniel LeEarl Hall. It said that the word "speculate" comes from the latin word "specula". In latin, Specula means Watchtower. Speculating is only guessing or assuming. Could the WTBS have picked a better word for thier #1 seller? The book also talks about Freemasonry and how the Watchtower symbol is used by them. Must be why Russell named the magazine Zion's WT. I found this book through Cristy Harvey at her WitforJesus website.
Jessica Rabbit
Maybe Tinky is a girl, she's just a little rough-around-the-edges (hehe)
hmmm....a tinky winky connection. Fascinating.
rocketman of the 'will this evolve into a(nother) thread on homosexuality?' class.
Don't know. Who's behind the wheel?
rocketman of the 'will this evolve into a(nother) thread on homosexuality?' class.
I'm sure that the purple triangle in Nazi times had nothing to do with homosexuality. They had their own symbol, the pink triangle.
I don't know how Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson came to their conclusion. I would not like to understand the thinking processes (assuming they have them) of those men.
TinkyWinky is just like Bugs Bunny and Kermit the Frog.
But if someone does know why the Nazis selected the purple triangle for JWs, I'm curious too.
From what I stand, the Watchtower logo looks like one more phalic symbol to me.
I know Dan Hall personally. Why don't you give him a call and ask him to direct you to his research. He may have already investigated this.