New here...(my story and a request for help)

by stephaniesays 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stephaniesays

    That is so funny-I have been using this handle for years and no one else has ever gotten the reference! Yep, huge VU fan, and especially that song, as it is probably the only song I have heard that says my name...

    It's funny, though, in a warped and twisted kind of way, how when you ask witnesses questions about things like that, they are able to make it sound not quite so...disturbing...Do you know what I mean?

    I was talking to my mother a couple of days ago and I asked her how she could feel so sure, when all the other people in all the other religions believe just as strongly in their faith..She said that you have to pray for guidance, and I said that I was sure that many of those people did and they still came to the same conclusion. Her answer was that you have to pray HUMBLY...What the heck is that supposed to mean?

    Thank you for your thoughts...Every one of them helps!

  • stephaniesays

    That has always been one of the things i find the most strange...How they label people apostates-anyone who has left, and how they are so afraid of them. I found myself being the same way for years after I left, even though I didn't realize at the time that...(gulp) I was one!

    I have a hard time even telling her (the one "studying" with me) that I don't agree with some things, because she will "explain" and then just keep asking, "Doesn't that make sense?"


  • WildHorses

    Hi Stephanie,

    I know you said that you will miss her friendship if you tell her how you feel but, how much of a friendship would you two really have if you always had to put up a front? A true friend will love you no matter what. Do you really want one who will only love you as long as you tow the line?

    BTW, welcome to the forum.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    I've never been a JW, but I have a close friend who is one and they are always trying to subtly convert me. After being on this board, I am loaded with 'ammunition' on combating my friend's persuasions... so much so that I've now got my JW friend rethinking their religion.

    Stick around, read the board, there's a wealth of information to help you in answering questions. This board has a lot of intelligent and friendly people that will help you.

  • stephaniesays

    Thanks...I know that you are right...I guess since she sort of represents a mother like figure to me, I am setting myself up for the same type of rejection I basically experienced with my parents when I originally left. Always setting myself up, trying to gain approval form people I will never get it from...AARGGHH! I just wish I didn't crave their approval at all...

  • stephaniesays

    Doesn't sound extreme at all-I have seen the way they have slowly gotten to me after being out all these years!

    Thank you.

  • stephaniesays

    Thank you-I am attempting to get the books today!

  • stephaniesays

    Thank you-I am checking out your website and finding lots of interesting stuff!

  • BluesBrother

    I know exactly what you mean about discussions with Witnessess, especially friends anf family. You go into it all determined, and then they have you on the backfoot because you dont want to spoil a relationship, so you end up feeling that you ought to be believing what they say.

    That is a ploy . Be firm . Make the sister defend her faith. The onus is on her to prove it to you.

    There is a load of information on the net that totally destroys their arguments. I would recommend , and a host of liked sites.

    Personally I feel that the simple arguments are most persuasive, especially to one who is blinkered by the borg.

    Question. How can you be expected to be drawn in love to a god whom,they say, is planning to slaughter every man woman and child of us all, unless we accept and associate with the Watchtower Society?

    The sister will probably deny this and say that god judges hearts and no one knows etc. etc. .. That is because the WTS like to fudge the issue - sometimes saying one thing and sometimes another. In fact the position is very clear. If you are not in the "Truth" you are going to be fried, so they say.

    Why else would they work hard at their ministry? Please realise that this sister sees you as a project, a rare Bible Student , one that would be another notch on her bookbag if you got baptised . I am sure she genuinly likes you but would she still socialise if you stop the study? Sadly, I doubt it.

    They have preached an imminent end since 1879, or even before. Where is it? Why did they change the teaching about the "Generation of Matt 24. 34 in 1993. ? That was 10 years ago already and still nothing!! False prophets.

    Keep reading on the net and keep posting here .This is a great place and we love having you here. Sometimes you have to re fuell the common sense factor after a discussion with J W's .

  • thinker

    Hi steph,

    I have LOTS of information that would be useful. Way too much to post here. If you'd like it, e-mail me

    [email protected]

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