In a congregation that I belonged to years ago, there was a woman who was a pioneer along with her daughter. I didn't know her personally, other than what you just see from her attendence at meetings, which isn't saying much. We left that congregation and learned many years later that this poor woman was homeless and living in the woods. She lived off of the generosity of others and family members that would come and give her supplies. The local newspaper had written an article on this woman because the owners of some property she was living on were trying to throw her off. The newspaper interviewed the daughter and the daughter did indeed bring out that her mother was mentally ill and her family couldn't persuade her come home and take her medication. It is a very sad story. I am not sure where this woman is today. I hope that she is back on her meds and is warm and dry somewhere.
Homelessness is a vicious cycle that can happen to anyone. Get sick, lose a job, lose your home, and when a person does not have family or friends to help them out when things are low, you become another statistic of homelessness.
Great post, Mr. Moe.
Mrs. Shakita