scratchme1010, I think you're going too far when you say that Jason deserves to be sued if he violated the copyright law. Let's say that there's a PIMO elder in one congregation, and while he was looking through the congregation files, he found secret documents recording a case of child sex abuse that was covered up. In some regions, it would be illegal for him to bring it to the police. But this is what he decides to do, and the Watchtower sues him for it. Did the elder deserve to be sued?
Here's what I'm trying to point out. If you break the law, yes, you can be punished or sued for it. But that's separate from whether you actually deserve it. Jason possibly broke the law, and if he did, the Watchtower has the full right to seek legal consequences. But that's separate from saying that Jason deserves any of it. His website helped thousands of people worldwide over the years, and there's no denying that. Is he legally responsible for his actions if he broke the law? Yes. Does he deserve any legal consequences? Hell no.