Be careful what you ask for.
I did the exact same thing back in 1983. And I didn't ask for much. Just some kind of minor proof that He existed.
It wasn't long after that late one night when I was engaged in meditation that He made himself known to me. Rather, I stopped standing on my end of the "hose" that connected Him with me. I realized in that short burst of communication that all along it had been ME that had kept communications at a standstill, that God had always been right there waiting for me to knock.
My experience was that connecting with the indweller was a matter of what I stopped doing rather than what I began doing. Thus it is true that the yoke of the Master is easy and his load light. I was amazed. Still am. Still have a really hard time putting it into words.
I have had three of these experiences, what I call experiences with the "Light" and the last one was quiet a few years ago.
I've never had a conversation with God. God doesn't and didn't speak to me, and he didn't speak to me when the above-described transaction happened. I don't have words to properly describe it. It's nothing like AGuest claims, nothing at all. But I'm inwardly certain that I touched the Divine Lover that lives within my heart/mind and it really did impart a peace beyond understanding and many other things.
And I'm just as certain that you, any of you, can have this very experience if you really want to. It does take a high level of sincerity of pursuit, but it is available, and that's what Jesus meant when he said, "the kingdom of heaven is within you." Yep. It's there alright. And you can touch it if you like. But it isn't going to happen like you think it should; it's not going to fulfill some time-limited, space-bound product of the imagination. Remember what you're trying to do: make contact with the existential creator of the Universe of Universes, the maker of ALL that we call real. It ain't like getting a telephone call from your Aunt Fanny. But if you want the experience you can have it. I'm living proof.
Go for it.