Disfellowshiping - Get a life

by Pepper 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    In Quinah's defense why didn't pepper use the quote box I too thought this thread was written from Pepper's point of view. Quinah is new and what she/he said is true. Not sure why a new thread was started from someone elses reply???But it confused me also.

  • simplesally


    From work, I can include pictures, emoticons and even have my post make sense because I use paragraphs!! But from home, alas! my computer, a Mac, does not work on this site. Think it has to do with the programming and file types used or something. So, if it was me from home...........I'd have to those arrow thingies too!

  • SheilaM

    SS: <<<<<<said tongue in cheek>>>>>> "that's what you get for using a Mac LOL BWWWWWWHAAAAAA Kidding jst kidding

  • Pepper

    This is what the Elders think of them selfs: Pepper

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I missed this earlier

    Yes I knew what to expect. I knew I did two things wrong - comitted adultery and hid it for a year.

    I also knew my husband had done 15 years of wrong in abusing me and our 2 children.

    I knew there was a chance I could be DFed. I thought they would discipline him too. Deep down I hoped for the best (they would understand and balnace a one time experience agaisnt 15 years of abuse) and expected the worst - we would both be disciplined.

    I was DFed and his dirty secrets were swept under the carpet.

    I was shocked by the decision but understood it.

    What shocked me more was their lack of understanding, compassion and fairness. And their total lack of love for a lost sheep and two children caught in the middle

  • Mr Lebowski
    Mr Lebowski

    whether or not this question was phrased in a way thati seemed sympathetic or compassionate (and yes, it was a bit 'sand-in-the-vaseline' to me), it brings up a good point.

    We are asked if we should have been surprised?

    From what I see, some are saying, I knew what to expect, but I didn't anticipate how much it would hurt. I had that expereince - I didn't realize the degree that those raised in the WTS are insulated from developing adult coping skills.

    Others are saying that they expected more respect, fairness, and honor than they received... that they had believed that the system was more fair, and individuals in it more principled, than turned out to be the case.

    As far as the "get a life" comment goes, I don't think it was compassionate or respectful, but it has some merit. It's easy to spend a lot of time looking backwards. Are we looking forwards as well? What are our goals? What kind of amazing, super-cool, incredible contributions are we going to make now? Because that's what it's all about, isn't it?

    We do not need to see what is behind us. Dean Martin, Cannonball Run

  • Swan

    I have to ask a question. What did you expect? You knew the rules. You knew what happens when you leave, at least I did, so why are you shocked? If you get even a modicum of recognition afterwards, you should be grateful. After all, when you leave, they owe you nothing, and you know it. When you were a true believer, you would have done the same thing that was done to you, so why are you surprised?

    When I left I thought I did know the rules. I guess I am shocked that I didn't really know the rules after all. Let's list which rules I found out about after I left, shall we?

    • The pedophile cover up rule
    • The UN membership rule
    • The military stock rule
    • The paying for free parking rule
    • The lying about tax law changes rule
    • The 607 BCE not recognized by any historian rule
    • The pyramid calculation for 1914 rule
    • The 1873, 1874, 1888, 1914, 1925, 1975 rule
    • The generation redefined rule
    • The Rutherford was the real Russell apostate rule
    • The misquotes of famous scientists in the Creation book rule
    • The my family is still wasting their life in a religious cult rule
    • The I've been lied too my whole life rule

    I was willing to just walk away and live my life until I found out about the rules. Now I am furious!


  • Pepper

    I am Pepper, and know this everyone: That disfellowshipping sucks and is wrong and it should be just means to slap the shit out of the Elders doing it to you or anyone else. So there !!!! Pepper

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