Welcome to the UK, where sharing a meme can get you arrested

by LoveUniHateExams 10 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Er, yes, I'm not kidding. If you share anything deemed 'grossly offensive' online you will be standing in a court before a judge if someone is offended, wets their pants, and complains.

    Some policeman in Devon shared a meme of George Floyd (not particularly nice, but illegal?!) in a whatsapp message to his mates, some of whom were coppers, some not.

    And someone complained and he's been arrested.

    First: yes, George Floyd memes are highly likely to offend at least some people.

    But why on Earth should we have a sweeping law which can be interpreted so broadly?

    The limits on freedom of speech and expression are:

    No incitement to violence or criminality

    No shouting 'fire' in a crowded theatre if you know there is no fire

    ^^^ That should be it. Offensive things should be legal. It's not ideal but it's best in the long run.

    What society are we at the moment?

    What society will we become?


  • pistolpete

    I heard Canada is getting some of that.


  • mickbobcat

    The UK has turned into such a Shit hole. I have been there a few times 20 years ago when it was on the down hill slide but still a great place. Now its a Pwhipped shit hole. Too many Muslims, too many idiots like in libtard cities in the US that destroy everything create nothing. They can pull down a statue to someone who they could not hold a candle to but could not build a tinker toy star. Sorry to say as China pushes men to be masculine and are eating our lunch we in the west are bending over and fighting to call a man a woman a woman a man and a thousand other libtard stupid things. The stupidity of the west is destructive and creates nothing but discord and chaos.

  • Simon

    The response to people complaining they have been offended should be to be more offensive.

  • Phizzy

    Bloody ridiculous what we have come to, but it all helps to keep even legitimate criticism of government etc at a low level , just in case.

    A Government Minister may be offended if I call him a Prick, even if he is a massive Prick, and I will be prosecuted because The Honourable Member, ( the said member being a prick ) is " offended " ???

  • mickbobcat

    This is what liberalism is mindless stupidity. Everything is based on pure emotion not logic or reason.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Phizzy---i think you will be OK if you stick with Knob or Bell-end

  • Phizzy

    Thanks Stan, maybe not if the person I was talking about decided to become " offended"!

    Certainly now on Facebook you have to be careful to not alert the Algorithm by actually writing the word "cunt" for example, but you can freely write it thus : " C**T" and not end up in Facebook prison for a few days.

    But yea, I'll stick with knob and bell-end if I feel they are strong enough ! Arsehole seems to get through O.K on FB by the way.

    What is more worrying is the actual suppression of Truth because we may not dare to say something about a person that really needs to be said !

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Scunthorpe--a town in Lincolnshire , UK.

    a town with a cunt in it..more than one i suspect.

  • stan livedeath

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