SIGN - Mandatory electronic tracking of Child Sexual Offenders - PETITION

by RevMalk 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • DazedAndConfused

    Where is the edit button? ugh! I meant space not sapce.

  • RevMalk

    short memory:

    not me. I look at it every day of my life.

    Rev ----------

  • Francois

    Refiner's I has dun tole you 'n' tole you: DOAN SWIM AGAINST DE CURRENT. Go wid the flo'. And de flo' is to kip an eye on dem chile MO-lesters.

    Hell's Bells, a child molester is not even accepted in the general population in main prisons with the murderers, mankillers, armed robbers, arsonists, rapists and litterers. Once an inmate is identified as a child molester, he receives instant justice from the other prisoners, and his body is returned to his next of kin. If those guys won't accept the presence of a child molester, why should anyone else?

    You wouldn't go to Haarlem and scream the N-word at midnight would you?

    You're doing something similar here.

  • StinkyPantz

    I've signed the petition.


    I am quite surprised at your response. I was abused as a child so this holds special importance to me. I realize that to some this is an invasion of privacy, but so is raping a child. You give up your rights when you do something so horrible to an innocent little person. I think this is letting them off easy. I personally that chronic child molesters should be chemically castrated.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Franc. I'll explain to a degree.

    I suppose I am protesting about political correctness. Having been a brainwashed dub, and having broken free from dub brainwashing it simply amazes me to see ex dubs here swallowing politically correct mass propaganda all over again. No one can doubt that this media fixation on child molestation issues is politically correct and generating mass hysteria. Someone in this thread posted to "string them up". Really. Is it okay to string up car thieves then? Id "string up" murderers before Id "string up" molestors.Whats with this obsession with child molestors in the media ? Same thing with all this frenzy about "terrorists". The unseen enemy franc. We dont have any "communists" to fear these days, so its "terrorists" and child molestors. Internal / external enemies, franc, social manipulation to control the masses, and people just swallow it and believe it, convert it into their own belief.

    Bloody robots....

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I got news for you. half the population has been "molested", and the other half is the "molestor". I guess that makes it NORMAL, doesnt it.

    If someone starts a petition decrying totalitarianistic religious indoctrination which destroying childrens dreams and robs them of their potential. I'll sign. Hell, I'll even act as a suicide bomber for the cause.

  • RevMalk

    I'll get right on that then RF Rev ----------

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Malk. Dont sweat it. People will read what Im saying, their blood pressure will rise, theyll get all morally offended and sign your petition sheerly out of repulsion toward me. You should get twice as many signatures as you would have. At least.

  • RevMalk

    I'm not sweating anything RF, but thanks for the concern.

    I've learned alot in this past year, I don't get as hyper as I used to :)

    But, you have a point, I had thought about that myself, haha

    It's not my petition though, we're promoting it for Kenneth & Susan Quinn ELECTRONIC MONITORING OF CONVICTED PEDOHILES Rev ----------

  • StinkyPantz


    You are wrong, at least about me. Before I ever joined the board I have volunteered in various ways. One of them was with Big Brothers and Sisters, and another for a Women's Shelter. I care about the issues, not because of the media, but because I had to endure plenty of shitty stuff as a child. The reason that car jackers shouldn't be strung up is because that doesn't ruin most of the victims lives. Being molested is part of you forever and is detremental and can be passed on in a sense. I also think that murders should be strung up and rapists.

    Your words in a sense belittle the people's efforts that try to make a change. So what if this is a fad? If it keeps one child from being abused, I'm all for it.

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