Oh, yeah, it was BAD. The teachers in "my day" were just as bad, if not worse, than the kids. By the time I entered high school it was a little better because we were entering the hippie era of peace, love and tolerance, so I was a little more accepted for who I was (but I still rolled my skirts up after Dad dropped me off). It was still hard, though, and I had VERY undeveloped social skills. Part of my problem was that my mom had railroaded me into school a year early (I was born in December) because she thought I was so smart, so I was younger than everyone else. And then, when we moved to St. Croix, the private school I went to thought I'd be better off academically in 6th grade instead of 5th grade, so they skipped me. Now I was two years younger than everyone else, which really made life difficult emotionally. Add the JW stuff to that, and you have one incredibly shy, tongue-tied little girl.
I noticed a big change in tolerance when our children started school. We had a couple of irritating teachers, both in Kindergarten, but the rest of them have been wonderful. However, when we declared ourselves Witness-Free, we noticed a big change in Jennie. Instead of walking into school with shoulders bowed, or crying and simply refusing to leave the car or turn me loose, she now walks with confidence, greets everyone as equals, has LOTS of friends, and is a part of everything we can get her into. I LOVE IT!!!! Her teacher and the school counselor noticed it too.