""Do I want to spend energy researching this or do I not? I don't know yet.""
The pursuit of Truth is always a worthy goal!
by seawolf 33 Replies latest social current
""Do I want to spend energy researching this or do I not? I don't know yet.""
The pursuit of Truth is always a worthy goal!
Hi ThiChi
The truth about Israel is that they are just as guilty, and responsible, as the Palestinians are for continuing the violence in that region of the world.
Exactly, thanks Stan, Thi Chi, how would you feel if you had a home, and property that generations of your family lived in, and some occupying force came in, and gave it to they're citizens?
wow I didn't know my topic started to move on here!
The program was on the 18th. Sorry, not sure if this was up on the board fast enough for people to catch it. For whatever reason, the program was not listed in any of my TV Guides or at tvguide.com so I only found out about it 7 hours or so before it aired. I find it odd that it wasn't listed since it's not like this just happened so they're rushing to get it on tv or something. *shrug*
As to what happened and it being an accident or on purpose.....to me the whole thing stinks to high heaven. If a different country were to have done this, what would have happened? A lot of tonnage sitting at the bottom of the sea perhaps?
One part on the USS Liberty website that I find interesting(bolding mine):
Israel did subsequently pay $6-million in three annual installments of
$2-million each. Secretary of State Dean Rusk said later that he
considered the payments meaningless, as Congress merely increased the
annual Israeli allotment by that amount.Adlai Stevenson later ran for Governor of Illinois. He was strongly
opposed by Israeli and Jewish interests. He lost. Many feel it was his
support for the Liberty that cost him the election. Many also feel it
was Stevenson's experience with the Liberty that has intimidated other
Members of Congress who might otherwise support the survivors.
from here: http://www.ussliberty.org/adlai.txt
It just doesn't seem right...
Nope not at all, and what even seems more wrong, is the US giving them $5 billion plus a year in money.
Check this out:
CAIRO, 20 June 2003 — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has spelled out clearly his reasons for accepting the Middle East road map with 14 reservations. During the Aqaba summit on June 6, he said: “Permanent peace requires permanent security. This permanent security will bring about permanent peace to Israel.” To accept peace on Sharon’s terms would make the proposed Palestinian state a mockery in the service of Israel’s security.
The most dangerous thing is that Israel is allowed to possess all kinds of weapons of mass destruction while Arab countries are denied these weapons under the pretext that Israel is under threat.
Israel has said that it is not yet time to look at its nuclear arsenal and weapons of mass destruction because it has not yet attained permanent security and peace.
As a result, Israel has become a depot for nuclear, chemical and biological weapons threatening the security of Arab, Asian and European countries. Does Israel require this large arsenal of banned weapons? The French constructed the Dimona nuclear reactor and produced enriched uranium. Israel was ready to produce its first nuclear bomb as early as 1965.
In March 1969, Moshe Dayan celebrated the birth of the Israeli nuclear state and the Israeli nuclear scientist Vannunu has acknowledged that his country was in 6th position in the nuclear club in the 1980s. According to one estimate, Israel possesses at least 100 nuclear bombs.
Apart from two plants in Dimona, Israel established a number of other nuclear plants in Nahal Suryak, south of Tel Aviv in 1958 and in Raishon Liston and Haifa. In 1994, US President Bill Clinton approved nine supercomputers to meet the needs of Israel’s nuclear program. Informed sources have estimated that Israel has 100 to 200 nuclear warheads, but another report put the figure at more than 500.
Quoting Vannunu, American journalist Seymour Hersh says in his book that Israel possesses about 300 nuclear warheads. He also says that he has got information indicating Israel possesses hundreds of nitrogen bombs. Reports have confirmed that Israel has various types of nuclear weapons including nuclear bombs which could be dropped from planes, missile warheads, in addition to 25 hydrogen bombs.
Israel also holds an unspecified numbers of tactical weapons.
At least three international sources have confirmed that Israel had not only produced nuclear mines but spread them in various regions at different periods of the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially in Golan and Naqab during the military confrontation with Egypt in October 1973 and in January 1991.
The question is: Who can ask the international community to disarm Israel of its mass destructive weapons?
News Flash:
" Calling Hamas an "enemy of peace," Powell also threw his support behind Israel, which has said a cease-fire alone is not sufficient for peace in the Middle East.""
“Violence is an understandable and legitimate reaction to Israel's policies.”
The basis of the peace process is that disputes should be resolved through negotiations. One of the conditions Israel set before agreeing to negotiate with the PLO was that the organization renounce terrorism. It formally did so; however, the PLO and other Palestinian groups and individuals have consistently resorted to violence since the Oslo process began in 1993. Whether or not Israel made concessions, Palestinians have still committed heinous attacks. In some instances atrocities are perpetrated because of alleged mistreatment; in other cases, they are deliberate efforts to sabotage negotiations. Regardless, the Palestinian Authority, which has a nearly 40,000-person police force (larger than allowed under the peace agreements), and multiple intelligence agencies, must be held responsible for keeping the peace.
Israeli Civilians | Security Forces | Total | |
Rocks | 2 | 0 | 2 |
Stabbing | 5 | 0 | 5 |
Running Over | 1 | 7 | 8 |
Lynching | 14 | 2 | 16 |
Shooting | 83 | 80 | 163 |
Drive-By Shooting | 27 | 9 | 36 |
Shooting at Vehicle from an Ambush | 53 | 10 | 63 |
Shootings at Towns and Villages | 13 | 3 | 16 |
Shootings at Military Installations | 0 | 25 | 25 |
Bombings | 23 | 30 | 53 |
Suicide Bombings | 269 | 28 | 297 |
Car Bombs | 15 | 23 | 38 |
Mortar Bombs | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Other | 1 | 3 | 4 |
Total | 506 | 221 | 727 |
Wheres the figures for the amount of Palastinians that have been killed by Israeli's? Couldn't you find them?
Wow, you have improved, wanting All the facts ....good for you! However, this was not the issue presented...but please provide any numbers you want.......lest start with the 1967 aggression of the Arabs.....or how about the Yum Kipper War? Or how about the Arab slaughter of the Palestinians in the 70's, to keep them in their Arab camps?
Bring it on.....
FACT: 1990. In that year, the number of Palestinians dying in engagements with Israelis fell by more than half. More Palestinians were murdered by Palestinians in the intrafada during that period. The internecine killings increased in 1991, with 238 Palestinians (up from 156) dying in the intrafada, more than triple the number who died at the hands of Israelis.Nearly 200 Palestinians were killed by their fellow Palestinians in 1992, more than double the number killed in clashes with Israeli security forces. The methods of murder, Steven Emerson reported, included beheading, mutilation, cutting off ears and limbs and pouring acid on a victim's face.
The reign of terror became so serious that some Palestinians expressed public concern about the disorder. The PLO began to call for an end to the violence, but murders by its members and rivals continued.
When many Palestinians heard a knock at the door late at night, the New York Times reported, they were relieved to find an Israeli soldier rather than a masked Palestinian standing outside. Even after the intifada fizzled out following the signing of the Declaration of Principles in 1993, internecine warfare among the Palestinians continued, and persists to this day.