Question about Russell's gravestone

by Motema Bolingo 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Motema Bolingo
    Motema Bolingo

    I read on the official website of the "Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon" the following :

    "Russell was not a freemason. Neither the symbols found in the Watchtower nor the cross and crown symbol are exclusively masonic. And the cross and crown symbol does not appear on his gravestone in Pampa, Texas — it appears on a memorial erected some years later".

    I know that Russell died on a train in Pampa, Texas.

    But is it true that his gravestone is in Pampa ?

    This statement seems strange for me.

    Thank you for your help


  • blondie

    or those wishing to visit the gravesite:

    The area is the North Hills area of Pittsburgh. It is in the "Rosemont United Cemeteries at Allegheny, in the Bethel Family plot, according to his request." (Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose, 1959, p. 62)

    The street is named Cemetery Lane. It is where BABCOCK BLVD and MCKNIGHT RD intersect. McNight Rd is a large freeway. There is a Babcock Blvd exit off of McKnight Road. Go West on Babcock Blvd. Cemetery Lane will be a left turn off of Babcock. The pyramid is BEFORE you get to the top of the hill on the right side. You can see it from the road. It is maybe 30 to 40 feet into the cemetery. Or, simpler directions for others: Take Interstate 179 to Exit 12, which is Cemetery Lane. Follow Cemetery Lane to the gravesite.

    United Cemeteries
    226 Cemetery Ln.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15237-2722
    Tel (412) 931-1017

    (see website for more detailed directions)

  • be wise
    be wise

    Hi Jacques, I don’t know how much research you’ve done on Russell but here’s some of mine.

    The cross and crown is actually a Christian symbol and is found in many stain glass windows in churches. He denounced Freemason belief in public but at the same time tried to use them to get Freemasons at his seminars to follow his beliefs by using familiar similarities between his beliefs and there’s.

    The question was he a freemason can only be answered by yourself after you have done the research.

    Personally I don’t think he was. You have to remember there were many people in very high religious positions that hated Russell because he studied the bible and he ruffled the feathers of a lot of wealthy religious institutions, so there are many people who would love to discredit him. He totally went against a lot of what they were teaching. He did not view any sort of religious education or scholarships with any importance, which made those with positions, disrespect him and his work. When he was young he sold his fathers business for millions, when he died he had about 20 quid left.

    He put a lot of work and sacrifice into what he did which doesn’t go to prove a lot of things he taught were true it just shows how much HE thought they were true. I’m just about to get into Russells work for myself, when I can afford the CD-rom, I can form my own opinion.

    Anyhows, the memorial wasn’t there by Russells request I gather, but I might be wrong but he did believe in the great pyramid and that it’s inner measurements predicted events like 1914 and Christ’s death and birth amongst other things. He even went into great detail about it in some of his work. He used other people’s illustrations of the great pyramid in his books but was accused of changing some of the dates.

    I’ll just throw this in. He was also very much against the idea of an organisation. The rest you’ll have to find out for yourself – don’t take my word for it.

    Here’s a great link I was given by a poster called Charles. Also, check out the bible students, they know a lot on Russell- this is where I will be getting the CD-Rom of some of Russells work.

    C U.

    be wise.

  • be wise
    be wise

    Here's the bible students link as well,

  • Celia

    Jacques, my dear Belgian friend,

    nice to see you here again. That's the first time I read that Russel's grave was in Texas... was he brought back to Pennsylvania in a refrigerated wagon ?

  • Pleasuredome

    russell was of the merovigian bloodline, like joseph smith. significant? maybe, maybe not.

  • Hamas

    I would dance on his grave, he started the biggest heap of shit in the whole darn world.

  • be wise
    be wise

    Hi Hamas, it was 'Judge' Rutherford that started the JW's not C.T Russell. That's why we still have the bible student's who are still around today.

    C.T Russell disagreed with the idea of an organisation, he knew it would be a bad thing because people would follow God through mind and ritual rather than love. C.T Russell made a last will and testament about which way he wanted the WTS should go and Rutherford ignored it and made his own plans as soon as he died (call it new light, waiting for Russells dark ).

  • Hamas

    Of couse !

    Maybe Russell wasn't that bad after all...

    I must admit though, I would love to give the 'Judge' a good kickin. He thought he was so damn good, he deserved a good beating.

  • be wise
    be wise

    ...shine a boot for me.

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