Is it wrong for a man to cry when he feels pain, either physical or emotional pain. We all know that women cry when they become emotional, but for a man, is it appropriate or not appropriate to cry. Is it seen as weakness for a man to cry?
Is it OK for men to cry?
by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends
I think that it is ok in certain circumstances for a man to cry, but it is seen as weakness when a man cries. I guess that any man can cry at occasions.
There are times when it seems perfectly normal and healthy for men to cry imo. I have seen my dad cry and it made me love him even more. My husband cried at the birth of both of our babies. It seems like births and deaths are when I've seen men cry. I doubt that there is man alive who hasn't shed a tear or two. There is of course a difference between a blubbering wimp and a heartfelt tear..
well my father was a big cryer, so i was kind of used to it. i actually saw him cry at cartoons! sometimes it was a little embarrassing, but that was just his makeup -- very emotional. now i'm my father's daughter, and i cry very easily too.
i think whenever i have been around a man who cried, i felt a deeper connection to him, closer.... i NEVER look it as a sign of weakness, rather someone who is secure enough to be vulnerable or demonstrative.
Lady Lee
I have seen a few men cry. It tugs my heart strings every time
I have never seen them as weak. In fact the opposite. I think men have been so conditioned to think it is weak that it actually is a strength when a man says to hell with what anyone thinks - this hurts and allows the tears to flow. It takes a lot for a man to allow himself to go against convention and allow himself to be that vulnerable to cry in front of others
I will always give my full support to a man who is truly honest about his feelings
I'll be honest. I'd rather not see a guy cry, it's not manly to me. Maybe if there is a death in the family. .
No it is not.
Here is an interesting article on the subject
I hope so!
I cried when my son was born, but not my daughter, strange. I cried when I had to let my dog go over in Germany. I cried big ole tears when I was "Liberated" from the POW Camp at SERE School, but EVERYBODY cries when that happens. I cried once, only once, the first time my wife started packing her bags to leave. That's about it in the 22 years I consider my adult life.