Anyone Heard Any Good DEMON Stories Lately?
by Cold Steel 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's not that I don't believe in hauntings and the supernatural, but it's another thing to be superstitious. - Cold Steel
No it's exactly the same thing.
There are no demons.
Blindfold everybody and see how the ouija board suddenly stops working.
By the way the word gullible is not in the dictionary - go and check.
these threads are always attacked by non believers with nothing better to do , people will not tell true encounters for being made fun of , nobody asked if you believe . fine don't believe nobody cares . I try to tell jws personal experience and for some reason they started with , it's impossible to see spirits therefor they get insulting about it and nobody wants that . They used to say , if you see them then and they look like people it's because they are trying to mislead you into believing immortality of the soul lie . I like reading these
"people will not tell true encounters for being made fun of "
Of course they will, regardless of the consequences; hence your preceding statement:
"these threads are always attacked by non believers with nothing better to do"
If people didn't tell these tales then the following "making fun" part simply cannot happen! Anyway...
Ghosts aren't real and poltergeists are not throwing stuff around rooms. Minds play tricks and people lie. It is as simple as that, even if it is entertaining to read...
once again , who cares what you believe ? go fishing or something ....
WhatshallIcallmyself: Ghosts aren't real and poltergeists are not throwing stuff around rooms. Minds play tricks and people lie. It is as simple as that, even if it is entertaining to read...
Oh please... You sound like a protagonist from a Lovecraft story. You would be the first person to totally loose their shit in a real encounter with an eldritch horror. A rigid mind like yours is bound to shatter...
My ex-wife screamed at me that I had demons flying through my head.
I know that is not a "great" or even "good" demon story, but it's all I got.
Rainbow - Why are you conflating rational with rigid?
In our world of cctv and smart phones there is still zero evidence of the supernatural.
stan livedeath
leaving aside all the demunz, bogey men and evil spirit rubbish....the real issue is filling childrens minds with the stuff--its just another form of child abuse.
i grew up with stories relayed by easily influenced dubs--including my own parents. it got to the point i was afraid of the dark--a pre-teen kid terrified of everything and anything.
fortunately--when i discarded jehovah and his watchtower gang,--- in my early 20's...the fear of demons went away too.
a few years later i overheard my bat-shit crazy born-in mother in law ( the sort that would have eaten a rutherford turd in a bread roll )---telling my kids about demons. i hit the roof. gave her a real evil spirit to be frightened of.
"A rigid mind like yours is bound to shatter..."
I thought most of us left behind that kind of thinking when we left the JWs... You are the one that seems to be hell bent on insisting something is true regardless of the lack of evidence to support these claims. So then, who is the one with the rigid mind?
Show me some proof or supply some theory as to what these things are that we can test and let's go from there.