What are the most "embarrassing" moments/events for the Watchtower ???

by run dont walk 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Boy, this thread could go on forever .......

    I just found out recently, about the Pyramid theory by Russell and the Building Rutherford had built for Abraham's return ....

    I never remember my family talking about these while we were growing up/going to meetings.

    I guess the society tries to hide the embarrassment as much as posssible.

    So what would call some of the most embarrassing moments by the Watchtower (1879-2003), I am hoping to copy alot of comments and pass them on to my JW family. And hopefully other posters (lurkers) could find the info useful as well.

    Oh and please, if you can give more details on the two above I mentioned PLEASE DO ........

  • Brummie

    Building Rutherford had built for Abraham's return ....

    In connection with this was the teaching that if any of the old worthies such as Abraham turned up, they would have to prove thier identity before being allowed to inherit Rutherfords Beth Sarim, If I remember correctly a Tramp turned up one day claiming that he was one of the old worthies! I found that totally embarrasing! I mean, who is likely to give Abraham a passport to prove his identity? He would have to go through at least 3 months of waiting to get one.

    Another embarrasment was that Jehovah lived in the pleiades, probably on the planet Alcyone which was considered the "midnight throne" by scientist and was said to be where Jah governs the universe from



  • InquiryMan

    In the "Proclaimers" book, the Beth Sarim is pictured on page 76 and the pyramidology stuff is commented on on page 201.

  • blondie

    I would say Ray Franz leaving Bethel and the later article in Time magazine explaining partly the reasons was the most publicly known embarrassing event.

    Beth Sarim has dropped into the annals of JW non-history. Even my family, JWs since the 30's and 50's knew little about it.


  • Outaservice

    1914 and Protection/Coverups of Pedophiles making national TV!

  • benext

    1975 proving to be just another year along with abandoning the "generation" doctrine.

  • Mary

    The whole 1914 thing has proved to be very embarrassing, seeing as the entire religion revolves around this date. 1975 was pretty embarrassing, but I think the most embarrassing is the pedophile cover-up. That goes beyond making dumb predictions; it labels the top guys as covering up criminal behaviour which is repulsive to the extreme, and makes them worse than the "worldly" people they like to feel superior to................

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    In no particular order: ``Millions Now Living Will Never Die;" Russell's pyramidology; Beth Sarim; the UN/NGO fiasco; 1925; 1975; ``the literal heart is the seat of human emotions;" doctrinal flip-flops on Romans 13, resurrection prospects for the inhabitants of Sodom; the published lunacy in The Finished Mystery; waiting for the pre-Armageddon resurrection of the ``ancient worthies" or `` Sarim;" the Awake! masthead referring to ``the Creator's promise to usher in a New World of Righteousness before the generation that witnesssed the events of 1914 passes away;" media coverage of the pedophilia scandal.....etc. etc.

  • minimus

    In modern history, it's the UN. They got CAUGHT! Documents proved it. They were disassociated! 1975 was a fiasco but sadly, the GB wasn't embarrassed by it.

  • Swan

    Miracle Wheat!

    Also the belief that black people can pray themselves white.

    That the creative days are only 7000 years long. So how do they explain petrified wood that's only 35,000 years old?

    That people who get vaccinations take on the loose morals of the person from whom the serum was developed.

    When Rutherford wrested control away after Russell's death and basically changed the teaching so much that Russell wouldn't have recognized it.

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