Hello, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm an ex-jw. Was raised as one from about 4 to 16. Mother jw and still in, father and 2 brothers never were. Just within the past 6 months or so realizing the effects of being raised jw has had on me. Now changing view points and starting to get rid of all the residual slime left on me. Hope to make some new friends and become a part of this community.
New to the board
by Michalea 30 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Michalea.
I hope you enjoy your time here.
Mrs. Shakita
Thunder Rider
Welcome aboard Michalea.
You'll find this place to full of friends wating to be made. Speak your mind and don't take everything you read too seriously. Some of us tend to rant from time to time. Most of us have been where you are and can understand what you are feeling.
Great to have you with us. May you find peace on this board, and lots of great info.
Welcome aboard !
Welcome Michalea. Here's hoping you never got baptised?
Guest 77
Greetings Michalea, enjoy your stroll.
Guest 77
Pull up a chair & enjoy freedom to express yourself. We love UNconditionally .No matter what- We sometimes disagree -but that is healthy ( I think) Thank God you escaped while your still young.....
Welcome! I'm sure you will enjoy it here.
There's always room for more meat!
Welcome!!! Enjoy, this is a great group. And I love your name. It's my daugthers middle name.