Only three rags per year? Each time they have fewer rags, people are stuck with the same articles for longer periods. Before, you had several different articles per rag to feature, and you had the washtowel and asleep rags concurrent. If there was one bad article (that is, one that you could not comfortably feature because it seemed needlessly harsh and you were not on board with it or because it was too difficult to explain), there were other options.
Now, you are stuck with it for longer. You get a rag banning non-race mixing marriage (for whatever reason) and you are part of a same race couple, too bad. Ditto one that has needlessly strict rules against sexuality (such as one that bashes anything that might even hint at being attracted to someone of the opposite sex as "loose conduct"), again too bad. Or one that bashes preparation, even telling people that they shouldn't even own a silver dime (where you see hyperinflation dead ahead, and wish to get a few silver coins yourself). Or one that bans people going on regular vacations. You don't like it, relief is no longer two weeks away, and there is no alternative article to place.
Even if it is three washtowels alternating with three asleeps, it is still 2 months before you get a less awkward article. That anti-sex rag will be there for 2 (or 4) months, and so will that article that gives a confusing and incorrect explanation about jesus krayst or something similar that belongs in the Kool-Aid rag or the midweek boasting session handbook instead. And, if they keep pushing homophobic article after homophobic article or anti-wealth article after anti-wealth article, you are stuck with it until that sequence ends.