Interestingly last weekend I had a luncheon with some ultra PIMI, regular pioneer, relatives. They showed me a video, that was taken in their KH, of a wt study in progress. The hall was built to sit 200+ people a few decades back. In that video i counted about 40 people in attendance. Mainly older people. I enquired about the current publisher count and was told it was around 90. The excuse I was given for the low physical attendance was because of zoom. For the sake of these relatives I really do hope Wt doesn’t sell off the hall in their locality. They are too old to drive the 40 min trip one way to the hall in the neighbouring town. This would literally finish both of them.
My old congregation is being shuttered
by RULES & REGULATIONS 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In this area (rural midwest US), five congregations I know of within 50 miles of here have dissolved over the past few years and the halls sold. Two have been converted into residences, I don't know what happened to the others. The JWs have been reassigned to the nearest congregation and KH to their homes. Some have to drive about 45-50 miles to the meetings. Of course there is a lot of zooming for these ones due to the cost and trouble making the drive.
You can see the Kingdom Hall bone orchard on this map here:
With regard to this phenomenon of kingdom halls being sold:’s too bad this information is compartmented and many JWs don’t necessarily know about it unless it happens in their area.
I have some JW acquaintances (who tend to be in the typical JW news-blackout)..who moved from one part of the country to another.. They feel nostalgia for their former area and ‘miss the friends’. I don’t know if they are aware that the ‘old days’ can’t be recaptured because things have changed. Maybe certain people they remember aren’t around anymore for whatever reason.
Beth Sarim
The Borg couldn't really give 2 $hits about loss of friends from being uprooted and being moved around.
I would agree with you there but what I’m referring to are JWs who are in a time warp mentally, I think. These people weren’t uprooted because a hall was closed. They just moved away. Now, they want to recapture maybe some good feelings they had in their old environment once upon a time.
Problem is: maybe the hall and certain people aren’t there anymore.. A lot of people in general might have thought of their hall (or church) as something solid and reliable like the Rock of Gibraltar.. But, what we have seen in recent years shows us that is no longer the case.
To me, this must be a sad thing for the JWs and churchgoers in general.
Beth Sarim more and more JWs and PIMIs become disillusioned and pissed from being uprooted and moved around or shuttered.